- bivariate Poisson distribution 二元泊松分布
- In speech sound statistics, the word occurance deviates from Poisson distribution for random discrete variable. 在语音统计中,发现语词出现不符合无规出现的泊松分布。
- The multiple necking fracture distribution on the circumference yields to random Poisson distribution. 三维数值模拟结果表明,颈缩区温升比非颈缩区高,且多重颈缩在环周上的分布服从泊松分布。
- Application for a small-area estimation of breast cancer mortality using Poisson distribution is illustrated. 应用举例为使用泊松分布求取乳癌死亡率之小区域估计。
- If you know what failures look like statistically, they follow a Poisson distribution, aka a bell curve. 如果您知道是什么样子的失败统计,他们遵循泊松分布,又名一钟形曲线。
- This program plots operating characteristic (OC) curves \ nof sampling plans using the poisson distribution has been tested. (译):这项计划地块操作特性(超频)曲线\\诺夫抽样计划使用泊松分布进行了测试。
- According to the relevant documents of CCITT, a digital error impairment model of simple Poisson distribution and compound Poisson distribution is set up. 根据 CCITT有关文件 ,构造了误码的简单 Poisson分布模型、复合 Poisson分布模型 ;
- The results show that this algorithm can effectively advance the task execution efficiency, and the algorithm conforms to compound Poisson distribution. 分析结果表明,该算法能够有效地提高任务的执行效率,符合复合泊松分布规律。
- This paper presented two fertility rate models, i. e., lognormal distribution model and Poisson distribution model.Based on these two models, a composite model was proposed. 文中介绍了对数正态分布模型和泊松分布模型,在此基础上构造了生育率组合模型。
- In this paper, a method for the description of hysteresis loop is provided and Poisson distribution is used to describe the point contacts status between metal wires in the metal rubber material. 本文提出了一种描述迟滞回线的数学方法,该方法采用泊松分布来描述金属橡胶材料内部金属丝之间的接触点运动状态,并针对不同的振幅对金属橡胶力学本构关系中的参数进行了求解。
- The simulation results under the step demand and the demand of Poisson distribution show that the model is perfectly able to simulate the dynamic behavior patterns of plant capacity changes. 在两种市场需求(阶跃需求和泊松流随机需求)下模型的仿真结果表明,该模型能较好的反应生产能力扩大的动态行为。
- Theory analysis and performance experimental at results show that this sequence is Bernoulli sequence and its Hamming correlation is shown to be Poisson distributed. 理论分析和统计性能实验表明,该方法构造的跳频序列是贝努利随机序列,其汉明相关函数服从泊松分布。
- The Limit Distribution of Poisson Distribution 普阿松分布的极限分布
- Stirling and Bell Numbers in Poisson Distribution Poisson分布中的Stirling数与Bell数
- Coincident degree of Poisson distribution 泊松分布符合度
- Zero Inflation Poisson Distribution Model 零膨胀泊松分布模型
- multivariate Poisson distribution 多元Poisson分布
- the compound Poisson distribution 复合泊松分布
- bivariate Poisson population 二元泊松总体
- generalized Poisson distribution 广义泊松分布