- bitumen storage silo 沥青储罐
- A new type of sand storage silo with local fluidization and siphon discharging is recommended. 提出了局部流态化虹吸卸料的新型砂仓。
- Crystals from the centrifuge are dried and then conveyed to the storage silo or bagging equipment. 离心分离出来的结晶经过干燥,然后输送到简仓或装袋设备。
- Conveyor belt, ventilator, storage silo and dust coollecting system are available for larger output. 当粉碎量较大时,可配置喂料输送机,吸料风机,储料仓及除尘系统。
- The total system consists of a storage silo with buffer hopper, a lime dosing screw, a lime milk slaking tank, a lime milk holding tank, two lime milk circulation pumps and a circulation line. 整个系统包括一个带有缓冲料斗的贮存筒仓、一个石灰计量螺旋输送机、一个石灰乳熟化槽、一个石灰乳贮槽、两个石灰乳循环泵和一个循环四路。
- In developing a back fill system handling tailings feed to and from the storage silo,it is necessary to establish a slurry laboatory to develop the technology and silo design criteria. 充填系统中必须设计一料仓来存储充填用尾砂,因此,有必要建立砂浆实验室以研究充填技术和料仓设计准则。
- ICA supplies complete, automated packaging lines, from the storage silos to shrink wrap bundling machines. 国际合作社联盟提供完整,自动包装生产线,从存储仓库,以捆绑收缩包装机。
- After making choices from various schemes, macro-design was optimized to provide technical support for the intelligence and science of the construction of grain storage silos. 经多方案比选,优化了总体设计,为粮库设计和建设实现智慧化、科学化提供技术支持。
- Construction Technique of Pre-buried Bolt Sleeves for Large Scale Storage Silo 大型储存料仓预埋螺栓套筒施工技术
- Combustible Gas Alarm and Automatic Ventilation System of Coal Storage Silo 圆筒煤仓可燃气体报警及自动通风系统
- The process of storing and fermenting green fodder in a silo. 贮窖的过程在贮窖中贮存及发酵青饲料
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- A black, viscous natural bitumen. 软沥青一种天然的黑色粘性沥青
- He fed the storage tank with gasoline. 他往储油罐里加满汽油。
- Meat is kept from falling away in cold storage. 肉放在冷藏库里以防腐烂。
- Bitumen paper can be burnt to gain energy. 沥青纸可以焚烧以获得能量。
- Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad. 剩余的小麦被储存起来运到海外。
- Bitumen, L.M.S and Al Egyptian Products. 采购产品柏油,埃及的产品。
- The idea has been put into cold storage. 这想法一直被搁在一边。
- With bitumen price soaring, where is a way out? 沥青价格节节上涨,卷材企业路在何方?