- bit stream generator 信息流发生器
- Block cipher in output feedback mode is used to implement the end-to-end key stream generator. 系统使用分组密码的输出反馈模式实现端-端密钥序列发生器。
- The transition between a pit and a land corresponds to a "1" in the digital bit stream. 一个凹坑和一个平台之间的转换,在数字比特流中对应一个“1”。
- A once-through stream generator is important equipment in nuclear power plant, so its control level is higher. 直流蒸汽发生器是核动力装置中十分重要的设备,它对控制的要求高。
- The paper implements an approach to extract I frame based on compression from MPEG Bit Stream. 本文实现了在压缩域上直接从MPEG码流中提取I帧。
- Simulation results testify that our design can meet the needs of decoding the H.264/AVC main profile CIF bit stream at 30fps in real time. 264/AVCmain profile CIF 30fps实时解码的要求.
- Based on the block Slepian-Wolf set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SW-SPIHT), the Wyner-Ziv frames are encoded to get the scalable bit stream. 本文方案传承了分布式编码的主要优点,即“编码简单”和一定程度的鲁棒性,同时引进了码流的可伸缩性。
- In frame-skipping transcoding, the forward vector method to compose motion vectors from the incoming bit stream can improve PSNR better than others. 摘要在跳帧转换编码中,利用前向向量法进行运动矢量合成可以得到较好的图像信噪比。
- This layer provides a transport service ensuring that the bit stream sent by the source arrives intact at the destination. 它为保证把从源端发送出来的位流原封不动地传送到目的地提供传输服务。
- An improvement on the partial backward decodable bit stream (PBDBS) scheme isproposed which improves the error robustness of video bit stream. 4.;提出了对部分反向可解码流结构的一种改进措施;提高了码流的容错性能。
- This algorithm is based on the information derived from the partially-decoded video bit stream,using the statistical method to get the histogram rapidly. 该算法是直接利用压缩视频流中的特征信息,采用基于统计的方法来快速计算出亮度直方图。
- In electronics, the unidirectional, pinhead electron stream generated by the cathode gun in a CRT. 在电子技术中,由阴极射线管(CRT)中电子枪所产生的、单向细电子流。
- The ASIC structure of the decoder is divided into several functional modules of bit stream production, decoding, denormalization, IDCT, windowing and RAM reset. ASIC设计中,系统被分为比特流产生、解比特流、反归一化、反DCT、加窗函数和RAM清零等功能模块。
- Simulation results testify that the design can realize real time decoding of bit stream in H.264 baseline profile 4CIF with 30 f/s while minimizing the use of hardware resources. 验证结果表明,在尽量降低硬件资源损耗的基础上,该方案能满足H.;264基本框架4CIF格式图片30f/s(帧/秒)实时解码的要求。
- In electronics,the unidirectional,pinhead electron stream generated by the cathode gun in a CRT. 在电子技术中,由阴极射线管(CRT)中电子枪所产生的、单向细电子流。参阅CRT。
- Chaotic key stream generators are of importance in re-entry telemeter data encryption systems. 摘要混沌密钥序列的实现对遥测数据加密系统有着极其重要的意义。
- One of the current trends of designs in key stream generators is to use irregular clocking. 利用不规则钟控方法设计密钥流生成器是目前流行的设计趋势之一。
- New Design Algorithm of Secret Key Stream Generator 一种新的密钥流发生器设计算法
- In video compression system, the BT.656 data stream generated by video decoder can not be easily processed by general purpose DSP like TMS320C6416. 在视频压缩系统中;视频解码器输出的BT.;656数据流不便于TMS320C6416等通用DSP直接进行处理。