- The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 鸟群一听到枪声就四处飞散了。
- The flock of birds scattered when a shot was fired. 枪响鸟散。
- Maples, dogwoods, grape, and sumac twinkle and dance with particulate color in any little breeze, and the decorated twigs of sourwood trees swoop out like plump birds scattering. 微风中,不同色彩的枫树、山茱萸、葡萄和漆树闪闪发亮地欢快起舞。被细细装扮的酸树的嫩枝突然折断,像胖乎乎的鸟儿四处飞散。
- The birds scattered. 鸟儿四散。
- Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain. 村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. 树倒猢狲散。
- The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 那鸟振翅飞去。
- The birds perched on the television aerial. 鸟停在电视天线上。
- She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds. 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟吃。
- He was pleased to get up to the singing of birds. 他很高兴起床听到鸟的歌唱。
- Birds had begun to chirp among the trees. 鸟儿们已经开始在树林里叽叽喳喳地叫了。
- The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。
- The naturalist told us many stories about birds. 博物学家给我们讲述了许多有关鸟儿的故事。
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak. 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。