- An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night. 小型猫头鹰是在夜晚捕食的一种鸟。
- He is a young eagle, a bird of prey. 他是一只年轻的鹰,一只猛禽。
- Is My inheritance a speckled bird of prey to Me? 9我的产业,对于我岂是斑点的鸷鸟么?
- The talon or claw of a bird of prey. 爪鸟类捕食的爪子
- Birds of prey do not flock together. 猛禽不合群。
- Any of various similar birds of prey. 任何类似的猛禽
- Are the birds of prey against her all around? 鸷鸟岂在她四围攻击她么?
- No bird of prey knows that hidden path, no falcon's eye has seen it. 矿中的路鸷鸟不得知道,鹰眼也未见过。
- A large African bird of prey (Sagittarius serpentarius) with long legs and a crest of quills at the back of the head. 蛇鹫:一种大型的非洲食肉鸟(蛇鹫),腿长,脑后长有长羽集起的羽冠
- Then it was as if something in the center broke loose and leapt outward, like a bird of prey hatching from an egg. 然后,似乎有什么在它的中心被释放然后向外面猛的一跳,好象一只小鸟从蛋壳中破壳而出。
- Something is on the move too.The chamois is agitated but is too big to be scared by a bird of prey. 岩羚羊没有雷鸟的伪装技术,但牠体型较大,根本不用担心鹰的威胁。
- It has the lines of a predatory feline with the skull and claws of a cruel bird of prey. 它具有肉食性猫科动物的特征,不过其头颅与爪子与猛禽相似。
- Serious Faults--Yellow (bird of prey) eyes, eyes of different color or size, hairless eye rim. 主要缺陷:黄色眼睛(食肉猛禽的眼睛颜色);
- As the guests leaned into the wind, a figure entered, riding the winds like some great bird of prey. 狂风托着访客,一个轮廓显现出来,就如某些强大的猛禽般驾御着风。
- Perching on the tooth-like rock on Harbaqik Mountain, the bird of prey has witnessed the deceptive nature of this old wolf. 这只年轻的鹰,这只猛禽,在哈尔巴企克山那块门牙状的岩壁上,目睹了这只老狼的卑鄙的骗局。
- Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified. 埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊。
- The spotted owlet Athene brama is the most common but the least studied bird of prey inhabiting the agroecosystems of central Punjab,Pakistan. 横斑腹小?(Athene brama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。
- Of, relating to, or characteristic of birds of prey. 猛禽的猛禽的,与猛禽有关的,具有其性质,特点的
- A fierce bird of prey, the mount of Vishnu, variously described as an eagle, hawk, or kite. Garuda is the enemy of all snakes. 一种极其凶猛的鸟,毗瑟奴的坐骑,不同程度地被描绘成鹰,像鹰一般地袭击,或者是风筝。揭路荼是所有蛇的敌人。
- The names are fitting: Neuer's name translates "the new one". Adler's name means "eagle", and he tackles the balls like the well-known bird of prey. 他们的名字都是名副其实的:诺伊尔的名字理解是“新星”。阿德勒的名字意味着“雄鹰”,他扑救的时候就象大家都知道的猛禽那样。