- biquad current mode 双二阶电流模式
- Universal Active Current Mode Filter. 通用有源电流模式滤波器。短句来源。
- The Control Circuit Designed By Average Current Mode. 平均电流模式的控制电路设计。
- CML (current mode logic) has smaller rise and fall time than LVDS. 电流模逻辑(CML)是最快的的接口选择之一。
- Innovation of the patterns of internet development V.S. Delay of current mode of education. 网络发展方式的创新性相对现有教育模式的滞后性。
- Mode bitadded to computer hardware to indicate the current mode: monitor (0) or user (1). 状态位添入计算机硬件,指示正确的状态:管态(0)或用户态(1)
- The A8698 is a constant off-time current mode step-down regulator with a wide input voltage range. A8698是带宽输入电压范围的恒定停机时间电流模式降压稳压器。
- It operates in boundary current mode (BCM), decreases the switching loss and increases the efficiency dramatically. 电路中电感工作在临界电流模式,降低了开关管损耗,提高了效率。
- Robert Mammano "Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage ModeVs. Current Mode" Unitrode Design Note. 叶慧贞;杨兴洲编著;新型开关稳压电源;国防工业出版社.
- Rober Mammano”switch power supply topology voltage mode vs current mode”Taxas instrument incorporate 1999. 梁适安”交换式电源供给器之理论与设计”全华科技图书”民国八十六年。
- Reciprocity of internet exchange V.S. Unilateralism of the current mode of education. 网络沟通的相互性相对现有教育方式的单向性。
- Current mode control is used for the flyback converter for its good line regulation. 回扫转换器工作在电流控制模式能够有很好的线性调整。
- The control principle and properties of average current mode control in power factor correction (APFC)techniques are analyzed . 分析了有源功率因数校正 (APFC)技术中的平均电流型控制原理及其特点。
- The advantage of having the status line displayed always is, you can see the current mode, file name, file status, ruler, etc. 总是显示状态行的优点就是可以随时看到文件名;及其状态和标尺等等信息.
- The fourth confined aquifer is the main compressive layers in recent years in Shanghai.It is corresponding to the current mode of groundwater changes. 与现阶段含水层的水位变化模式相联系,第四承压含水层是上海最近几年来地面沉降的主要沉降层。
- At the output stage, the reason for introducing over-current-protection (OCP) and discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) is shown. 在开关电源的输出级,分析了引入过流保护和非连续工作模式的原因。
- To correct the power factor,the controlling effect of both neural network controller(NNC) and current mode controller(CMC) is researched in this paper. 为改善功率因数,对神经网络控制器(NNC)与电流模式控制器(CMC)的控制效果进行了仿真比较研究。
- When working in the Visual Studio Macros integrated development environment (IDE), the actions you take are determined by the environment's current mode. 在Visual Studio的宏集成开发环境(IDE)中工作时,您采取的操作由环境的当前模式决定。
- The theoretic analysis results show that the transient response performance of V2C controlled boost converter in DCM is better than that of current mode control technique. 理论分析表明在DCM模式下对于负载突变V~2控制方法的响应速度优于V~2C控制方法。
- Modeling and analysis of open-loop and closed-loop DC/DC converters are both made based on the theory of hybrid systems,and the discontinoued current mode is under consideration. 利用混杂系统(Hybrid Systems,简称HS)理论对开环和闭环控制DC/DC变换器进行了分析和建模,并考虑了不连续电流工作情况。