- bipartite graphstructure 二部图
- Bipartite:Having or consisting of two parts. 两部分的:两部分的或由两部分构成的。
- This graph is NOT bipartite, since there are many triangles in it. 这个图不是二部图,因为里面存在许多三角形。
- A graph is bipartite if it does not contain an odd cycle. 一个图是二部图,如果它不包含奇圈。
- Abstract :Bipartite graph is a special model in the Graph Theory. 摘 要 :偶图是图论中的一种特殊模型。
- If |V(G)| is even, then G is either an elementary bipartite graph or a brick. 如果 |V(G) |为偶数 ;则 G或者是一个基本的二部图 ;或者是一个砖块 .
- If enough edges have been drawn to make the figure connected the graph is called bipartite. 如果有足够的线使图连通,这图称为双图。
- Minimum Weight Vertex Covering Set and Maximum Weight Vertex Independent Set in a Bipartite Graph. 二分图的最小点权覆盖集与最大点权独立集。
- In this paper, we study the transitive properties of bipartite tournaments and tournaments, and give the sufficient and necessary conditions of them. 摘要研究了二部竞赛图和竞赛图的传递性,给出了它的充分必要条件。
- Partition,Subgraph,Degree sum,Maximum degree,Bipartite graph,Vertex-disjoint,Cycles,Paths. 剖分;子图;度和;最大度;二部图;顶点不交;圈;路.
- Inthis method,a bipartite graph structure is used to track potentially intersecting faces. 该方法主要是利用二部图跟踪两个细分曲面中可能相交的面。
- An enumeration problem is solved for labeled consistent bipartite tournaments,and a sharp formula is obtained. 通过讨论,解决了标定一致二部竞赛图的计数问题,并获得了一个简明计算公式。
- An algorithm for finding all perfect matchings in a given bipartite graph G(X,Y, E) is presented. 本文提出了一种求解这一问题的算法。
- Wepresent two algorithms,based on the Malek and the BGM model,respectively,with a polynomialtime com pleAlty when the test graph is a bipartite groph. 在Malek和BGM模型下,分别提出了一种顺序诊断算法,这些算法在测试图是二部图的情形下都是多项式时间复杂性的。
- Much effort has been spent on investigating the crossing numbers of complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs and cartesian products graphs. 大多的努力是在探求完全图,完全二部图及笛卡尔积图的交叉数。
- With the motivation of the undirected graph and bipartite partition, some new estimations for singular values of a matrix were presented. 摘要利用矩阵的无向图及二部分划,给出了新的复合型矩阵奇异值估计式,改进了已有的相应结果。
- As enumeration problem about a kind of local ordering-disordering permutation and some properties of consistent bipartite tournament are discussed. 研究了一种局部有序-无序排列的计数问题和一致二部竞赛图的某些性质。
- G is said to be bipartite matching extendable if every matching M whose induced subgraph is a bipartite matching extends to a perfect matching. 称图G是偶匹配可扩的,是指G的每一个偶匹配都可以扩充成为G的一个完美匹配。
- Y. L. Chen (1992), "A Parametric Bipartite Maximum Flow Algorithm," International Computer Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 1-8. 陈彦良等(2001),"资料间隐含关系的挖掘与展望,"二十一世纪台湾涌现中的资讯管理议题专家研讨会,大溪,鸿禧山庄。
- The gracefulness of graceful bipartite graph joining path was discussed and the same amalgamated product of the graph was also discussed. 文章讨论了优美二部图粘接路所得图的优美性以及这类图的一种混合积的优美性。