- Biogenic amine is a kind of low molecular compounds belonging to nitric fatty group or heterocycle group. 生物胺是一类含氮的脂肪族或杂环类低分子化合物。
- As for the pathway of biogenic amine, the corresponding homologous solution was proposed in this paper. 本文全面分析了啤酒酿造过程中生物胺的产生途径,并提出了相应的控制办法。
- Biogenic amine is a kind of low molecular weight compounds containing nitric fatty group or heterocycle group . 生物胺是一类含氮的脂肪族或杂环类低分子化合物,对动植物和微生物活性细胞有重要的生理作用。
- Biogenic amine is a kind of iow molecular weight compounds containing nitric fatty group or heterocycle group.They have biological importance in vegetable, microbial and animal cells. 摘要生物胺是一类含氮的脂肪族或杂环类低分子化合物,对动植物和微生物活性细胞有重要的生理作用。
- biogenic amine hypothesis of depression 抑郁症的生物胺假说
- Effects of Biogenic Amine on Beer Quality 生物胺对啤酒质量的影响
- Keywords biogenic amine;sausage;TY;CA;contaminate; 生物胺;发酵香肠;酪胺;尸胺;污染;
- Biogenic amine neuraltransmitters 生物胺神经递质类
- Biogenic amine neurotransmitters 生物胺神经递质类
- Consumption of food containing high amounts of biogenic amines may cause toxicological effects. 另外,食品中生物胺含量与食品质量具有一定的相关性。
- Octopamine(OA) constitutes one of biogenic amines in the invertebrate nervous system. 章鱼胺(OA)是昆虫体内的痕量神经活性物质。
- The most notorious foodborne intoxications caused by biogenic amines are related to histamine. 本文对近年来食品生物胺的检测方法进行了综述。
- The new test relies on the detection of a class of chemicals called nonolatile biogenic amines. 这种新测试方法通过对一类被称为“非挥发性生物胺”的化学物质的检测而起作用。
- In food microbiology, biogenic amines sometimes have been related to spoilage and fermentation processes. 食品中毒的发作和某些毒理学特性与组胺和酪胺有密切联系。
- The biogenic amines are harmful products of fermented foods, which affect their safety. 生物胺是发酵食品中的有害产物,是影响其安全性的重要因素之一。
- NA contains a great variety of neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, biogenic amines, neuropeptides and amino acids, and their receptors. 疑核内含有大量的神经递质,如乙酰胆碱,生物胺,神经肽,氨基酸等及其受体。
- The polymers change color in the presence of increasing leels of these biogenic amines to indicate degrees of food spoilage. 这些聚合物在那些生物胺的水平升高时颜色发生了改变,对食物的变质程度作出了指示。
- There fore studies on biogenic amines can be beneficial for human beings in terms of improve quality and safety of foods. 因此,对生物胺进行研究和认识可以提高和改善食品的质量及安全性。
- A high performance liquid chromatographic method is described as the main method of determining biogenic amines in food, especially histamine. 目前国内外食品中的生物胺的检测主要采用液相色谱, 一般仅是组胺检测。
- The safety of biogenic amines metabolism of 22 fine Oenococcus oeni (Oo) strains were studied with PCR and HPLC testing methods. 利用PCR技术及HPLC检测方法对22株中国优良酒酒球菌的生物胺代谢安全性进行研究。