- Didn't blow off billion dollar deals! 他不会毁掉十亿美金的生意!
- Last year's profit was in excess of one billion dollar. 去年的利润超过了十亿美元。
- U.S. investments here topped one billion dollars. 美国在这里的投资超过了十亿美元。
- A billion dollars is a vast amount of money. 十亿元是一笔巨款。
- It took them more than one billion dollars to complete the project. 完成这个工程花费了他们十亿多美元。
- Last year's profits were in excess of one billion dollars. 去年的利润超过了十亿美元。
- You can charge nothing, a penny, a dollar, or a billion dollars. 你可以什么费用都不收取,一美分,一美元,或者十亿美元。
- What would you do with a billion dollars Milo? 如果有10亿美元,你会做什么?麦洛
- Hotel magnate Barron Hilton plans to give the bulk of his nearly 2.5 billion dollar fortune to charity. 酒店业巨头巴伦·希尔顿打算将自己近25亿美元的资产捐献给慈善机构。
- Vivian: So you actually have billion dollars? 维维安:你真的有十亿美元吗?
- Enal stenotherm came proposes about 200 billion dollar in new tests for businesses and individuals. 为了帮助弥补这些,他将减低“专项拨款“,该款项用于为特殊利益项目增加资金。
- S. operates a billion dollar haircare company that makes more than a thousand different products. S.;管理着一家十亿美元的头发护理公司,该公司生产上千种不同的产品。
- Somebody predicts, schoolbook market of the United States amounts to 9 billion dollar. 有人预计,美国的教科书市场达90亿美元。
- But after CBS bought CNET with 1.8 billion dollar last year, everything produced a change. 但去年CBS以18亿美元收购CNET后,一切发生了改变。
- In fiscal year 1918 annual internal revenue collections passed the billion dollar (thousand-million-dollar) mark for the first time. 在1918年财政年度内,一年的国内税收额第一次突破10亿美元大关。
- The proposed fourteen billion dollar deal will create the first trans-Atlantic stock exchange. American and European government officials must still approve the merger plan. 这项合值一百四十亿美元的交易将首先建立一个大西洋彼岸证券交易,美国合欧盟政府必须批准该合并计划。
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- The medicare treasury is estimated to be one billion dollars. 老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿美元。
- Linus: What do you expect me to do? Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might have family connections? 你想让我作甚么?因为我的家庭关系而让我放弃上十亿美元的并购。
- Because the IMF has abandoned billion dollar bailouts for troubled economies, he thinks a repeat of the Asian crisis is unlikely. 由于国际货币基金组织已经拒绝向经济困难的国家提供数十亿美元的救济,索罗斯认为亚洲经济危机不会重演。