- bill of materials processor 材料单处理程序
- Where is the packing list (bill of lading, bill of materials)? 装箱单(提货单、材料清单)在那里?
- BOM(Bill of Material) is one of the research hotspot in ERP system. 物料清单BOM是目前ERP系统中的研究热点之一。
- bill of material processor 物品清单处理程序
- Represents a resource for a bill of materials (BOM). 表示物料清单(BOM)的资源。
- The computer generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials. 计算机绘出管道空视图,并打印出材料明细表。
- Bill of quantities: The specification of the quantity of materials to be used. 工程量清单;建筑工程清单;数量清单:指项目所用材料的数量及其规格的清单。见priced Bill of guantities
- Bill of materials is a key point in the enterprise informationization. 产品物料清单(Bill of Materials)是企业信息化过程中一个十分关键的部分。
- Through bill of lading bill of quantities The specification of the quantity of materials to be used. 工程量清单;建筑工程清单;数量清单指项目所用材料的数量及其规格的清单。
- Bill of Materials(BOM) is the bridge among CAD/CAPP/CAM and the basis of MRPII system. 物料清单是联系企业 CAD/ CAPP/ CAM的纽带 ,更是 MRPII系统正常运行的基础。
- After completing the design and compiled the Bill of Materials (BOM), he proceeded to purchase materials. 在完成设计之后,依照材料单他开始购买金属材料,一但金属材料到达他的工作室,机芯制做将开始......
- He gave me the bill of lading before leaving. 走之前,他交给我那张提货单。
- The organization and correlation among the Process Bill of Materials (PBOM), the process templates and the 3D instances are discussed as well. 讨论了PBOM,工艺模板与3D几何实体三者之间的组织和关联方法。
- Nowadays, many domestic medium-sized and small-sized enterprises urgently need to solve the problem on the management of BOM (Bill of Materials). 目前,国内许多中小型企业迫切需要解决产品的物资材料清单 (BOM,Bill of Materials)的管理问题。
- The doctor gave him a clean bill of health. 医生给他一份健康良好的报告。
- The Bill of Materials (BOM) is the important basic data in ERP system, BOM right or not is addressed in order to ensure ERP system running efficiently. 摘要物料清单(BOM)是ERP系统中的重要基础数据,物料清单的正确与否对于ERP系统的实施与运行有着直接的影响。
- He paid for the goods sent him from Detroit by a bill of exchange. 他收到底特律给他发来的货物后以汇票付款。
- One who signs a time draft or bill of exchange. 承兑人在定期汇票或汇票上签字的人
- The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。
- SMARTEAM - BOM streamlines the processes related to the creation and change of the Bill of Materials (BOM) throughout the product lifecycle and across the value chain. BOM让遍布在整个产品生命周期与横跨价值链的物料清单的产生与更改程序更有效率。