- bilateral joint project 双边联合项目
- They put forward a proposal fora joint project. 他们提出一项共同企划的案子。不能守时上班的员工是不会被考虑晋升的。
- This is a joint project of the two organizations. 这是这两个组织的一项合作计划。
- Can two districts combine DDF to implement a joint project? 问:能否两个地区合并一起使用地区指定基金以执行一个联合计划?
- It's proven that under some exercises that we had engaged in...the bilateral joint patrols in fact contribute to making the Strait of Malacca safe. 事实证明,双边联合巡逻事实上对确保马六甲海峡的安全起到了作用。”
- In order to successfully accomplish this, you must form a joint project team from both companies. 为了成功的实现这一点,你必须为两个公司都成立一个联合规划团队。
- The Basic Law Library is a joint project of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Basic Law Institute. 基本法图书馆的设立是康乐及文化事务署与基本法研究中心的一个合作计划。
- And now Intel has a joint project with a Chinese university to really make that a state-of-the-art compiler. 现在Intel与中国的一所大学有一个联合项目,要真正做一个一流的编译器。
- It would be quick to act if scandal tainted a joint project with America's aid agency, USAID, or Britain's DfID. 如果丑闻污及同美国援助机构国际开发署(USAID)或是英国国际发展部(DfID)的合作计划,世行将迅速采取行动。
- It is a five-year joint project of the National Geographic Society and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 这是个由国家地理学会和国家海洋和大气管理局共同举办的五年合作计划。
- She also referred to the joint project with the Organization on the awarding of medals and rewards to the best African inventor, which was ongoing. 她也提到了与本组织联合开展的授予非洲最佳发明人奖牌和奖金的项目正在进行中。
- Following the development of a prototype, the Reagan administration stopped funding, bringing about the cancellation of the joint project. 但里根政府在这种战斗机的原型机试飞后彻底制止了这个项目。
- In the joint project, MHI developed a new compressor and other components and undertook developmental testing of the system. 在合作计划中,MHI(三菱重工) 开发了一个新的压缩机和其它设备以及正在开发的测试系统。
- The joint project will look at ways to combine imagery from different angles and with different sensors into a coherent threedimensional picture. 这项联合计划将可以为实现从不同角度和不同传感器进行联合成像,并形成连贯的三维图像探索道路。
- Can we use CVP to apply visa for our customers, clients, suppliers, contractors/ non-direct-hire employees, partners in a joint project? 我们能否利用CVP为我们的消费者,顾客,供应商,承包人,或非直属员工,有合作计划的合作伙伴申请签证?
- Data might be shared between companies working together as part of an industrial consortium or shared by business and academia collaborating on a joint project. 数据可以在协同工作的公司之间作为产业联盟的一部分共享,或者由商业和学术机构作为一个合作项目进行共享。
- Having or marked by bilateral symmetry. 左右对称的以或表现为左右对称的
- Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks. 双边会谈没有结果。
- Net Dialogue is a joint project between the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. 网际网路网站是由哈佛大学法学院的伯克曼网路及社会中心及史丹佛大学法律学院的网路及社会中心共同发起的合作方案。
- With the approaching of the 2007 World AIDS Day, UNAIDS and China Red Cross Foundation is planning to organize a joint project “The Great AIDS Walk” at Juyongguan Great Wall. 2007年世界艾滋病日即将到来,联合国艾滋病规划署和中国红十字会正在联合策划组织一次居庸关长城健走活动。