- This survey is the work of a real professional. 這份調查是真正內行人做的。
- The painting is the work of a pupil of Rembrandt. 這幅畫是倫勃朗的一位弟子的作品。
- It was the work of a few moments to hide the damage. 只需一會兒就可以把損壞的地方遮掩起來。
- A mere child cannot do the work of a man. 僅僅是個孩子是不能做成人工作的。
- The chief or entire work of a person's lifetime. 主要工作一個人畢生從事的工作,一生中最主要的工作
- It is an example of a well thought-out design. 這是設計完善的一個例子。
- Casing serves as wall of a well. 套管用作油氣井的井壁。
- It was the work of a moment to cut off the light. 切斷電源是易如反掌的事。
- The first novel is the work of a writer in the making. 這第一本小說是一位成長中的作家所寫的作品。
- Truth lies at the bottom of a well. 真理潛伏在井底,真理很難發現。
- It is the work of a few moments to hide the damage. 只需一會兒就可以把損壞的地方遮掩起來。
- It is clearly the work of a master craftsman. 很明顯這是工藝大師的作品。
- The work of the chemical engineer in utilizing successively greater fractions of raw materials such as crude oil is well known. 化學工程師的工作是對象原油這樣的一些原材料的多數分餾物加以連續不斷地利用,這是盡人皆知的。
- This is the work of a depraved mind. 這是思想墮落者所為。
- The painting is the work of a pupilof Rembrandt. 這幅畫是倫勃朗的一位弟子的作品。
- The dominant tone or mood of a work of art. 基調藝術作品中顯著的風格或情調
- The painting is the work of a master. 這幅畫是一位藝術大師的傑作。
- This first novel is the work of a writer in the make. 這第一本小說是作者正在成長鍛煉中的作品。
- Can't you think of a better place for our holiday? 你難道想不出一個更好的度假地方?
- It is well known how the monks wrote silly lives of Catholic Saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathendom had been written. 大家知道,僧侶們曾經在古代異教經典的手抄本上面寫上荒誕的天主教聖徒傳。