- The snow is falling thick and heavy. 鵝毛大雪滿天飛
- Thick and heavy fog makes trees like ghosts,and street lights like the moon with soft halo. 濃密厚重的霧使樹木看起來像鬼魂,街燈看起來像是帶著柔和光暈的月亮。
- Thick and heavy fog makes trees like ghosts,and makes street lights like moon with soft halo. 濃密厚重的霧使樹木看起來像鬼魂,街燈看起來像是帶著柔和光暈的月亮。
- The practical value of this kind of thick and heavy iron Jian is more similar with Dao,and swordman won't use it. 此類厚重鐵劍的實用價值與刀更相近;武術劍客是不會用這類劍的.
- The second one is long and heavy,with thick sleeve.Full length 48cm,the thickest 12mm,the thinnest 6mm. 第二隻又長又重,套筒也粗,全長48厘米,最厚處近12毫米,最薄處6毫米
- A thick and heavy quilt for you who often feel cold and prefer a warm quilt. 一種厚重的被子,為經常感覺冷和喜愛保暖被子的您所使用。
- The handle is not thick and heavy, but a bit thin.It's ellipse in section.It likes a small sword often placed on table as decoration in foreign countries.It's my guess. 柄不厚重,略單薄,斷面橢圓型,好象過去外國經常放在桌面的裝飾用的小配劍,猜的。
- He tried to shade his house with thick trees. 他想讓這些大樹把房子遮住。
- Thus, we needn't look into those thick and heavy dictionaries any more and some people think that it is not necessary for students to study foreign languages from then on. 因此,人們不再需要翻閱厚重的字典。有人認為學生就此不需要學習外語。
- The products have thick and heavy fragrance of alcoholization and soy sauce.The outstanding advantage of the products is not containing chlorohydrine.Therefore,... 產品營養豐富、味鮮並具有濃郁的醇、醬香味,無氯丙醇類毒性物質,可廣泛用調味品行業,是酸解植物蛋白的理想替代品。
- Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 黎明時分,大霧瀰漫,細雨蒙蒙。
- He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. 他歷盡艱辛始終都忠實於我。
- The well-muscled neck may look attractive, but in some breeding stallions it becomes so thick and heavy that it does little to help the horse's balance or suppleness. 馬匹肌肉飽滿的脖子看起來非常誘人,但是一些正處於繁殖期的公馬脖子會變得厚實沉重,非常不利於馬匹的平衡或靈活。
- She daubed her face with thick make-up. 她面部化妝很濃。
- This detail far-reaching harmonious thought very thick and heavy, society has deep practical or immediate significance to structuring a socialism harmoniously. 這種底蘊十分厚重深遠的和諧思想,對構建社會主義和諧社會有著深刻的現實意義。
- The vast champaign was covered with thick snow. 廣袤的平原被厚厚的雪覆蓋著。
- The ship ren into strong winds and heavy seas. 船遇上狂風和洶湧的海浪。
- Offers of help are coming in thick and fast. 四面八方立即伸出援助之手。
- Facade adopts mainly thick and heavy stone, matched with lightsome glass curtain wall and Al-alloy windows, decorative thread, the design is simple but solemn. 立面以厚重的石材為主,配以輕盈的玻璃幕牆和鋁合金窗,輔以裝飾線條,莊重簡潔大方。
- I'll support you through thick and thin. 在任何情況下我都會支持你們。