- We were thus provided with favourable conditions for defeating Chiang Kai-shek's counter-revolutionary attacks after the Japanese surrender. 這就給了我們在日本投降以後能夠據以打敗蔣介石的反革命進攻的有利條件。
- It possesses favourable conditions for irrigation. 它有很好的灌溉條件。
- The President will look with favour on our attempt. 總統會同意我們的嘗試。
- He envied me my favourable conditions for study. 他羨慕我良好的學習條件。
- He looked on the project with favour. 他贊成這個計劃。
- They look with favour upon an enterprise. 他們以讚許的眼光看待企業。
- The workers look on the plan with favour. 工人們贊同這項計劃。
- This created favourable conditions for the growth of livestock. 這就為牲畜的成長創造了有利條件。
- Thus we created favourable conditions for tiring the enemy out. 我們就這樣創造了使敵人疲憊的有利條件。
- We will work with the industry to create even more favourable conditions for these goals to be achieved. 為了到達這些目標,我們會與業界一起努力,創造更好的條件。
- His request has been regarded with favour by the committee. 他的請求得到了委員會的支持。
- With such favourable conditions, we'll have no excuse if we fail to increase output. 條件這樣好, 再不增產, 可說不過去。
- I can let you have it on very favourable conditions. 我能讓你在優惠條件下得到它。
- They could have won the game under more favourable conditions. 要是條件好一點,他們本來可以羸得比賽。
- What people like us can do is to create favourable conditions for you. 我們這些人能做的工作,只是為大家創造條件。
- We could have done better under more favourable conditions. 在更有利的條件下,我們能夠做得更好些。
- Most of the newspapers seem to look with favour upon the new cabinet. 大多數報紙似乎對新內閣有好感。
- In these unions more favourable conditions will continue to prevail. 在這些工會中,將繼續存在比較有利的條件。
- Given favourable conditions, this cherry tree will grow very rapidly. 如果給它適宜的條件,這棵櫻桃樹會長得很快。
- The Lord received Abel and his gift with favour;but Cain and his gift he did not receive. 天主看中了亞伯和他的供品,而沒看中蓋因和他的禮物。