- Winner takes all; He took first prize. 勝利者獲得了所有東西;他獲得一等獎。
- The winner takes it all,The winner takes it all... 贏的人拿走了一切,贏的人拿走了一切,,,
- These prosaic details take all the sparkle out of the conversation. 這些無聊的細節使談話失去了生氣。
- We should take all the variables into account when we make a plan. 我們制訂計劃時應該把所有的可變因素考慮進去。
- Do I have to take all this medicine? I wonder what pill be for what? 我得吃這麼多葯呀?到底哪一種葯對哪一種病有效?
- Are you sure you want to reset all game statistics? 是否要重置所有遊戲統計數據?
- They can take all day if they have to. 有時他們要等上一整天。
- The news of defeat took all the fight out of us. 失敗的消息奪走了我們所有的鬥志。
- The sightseeing tour will take all day. 這個觀光旅遊要花一整天。
- Where did Iraq take all of this equipment? 伊拉克把所有的這種武器藏到哪裡去了?
- He took all there was/all that I had. 他把所有的都拿去了[我所有的都拿去了]。
- You must take all he says with a grain of salt. 凡是他說的話你都打個折扣。
- He was set on by robbers who took all his money. 他遭到強盜襲擊,他們搶了他所有的錢。
- He took all the money and left me high and dry. 他把所有的錢財都拿走了,撇下我一人無依無靠。
- winner take all 贏家通吃
- These tags may be used on all Game objects, excluding animations. 這些標籤在遊戲中所有的對象上都有效,包括動畫。
- Losing their leader took all the fight out of them. 他們失去了首領以後便喪失了鬥志。
- A simple game, but I am destroying all game rules unintentionally. 一個簡單的遊戲,我卻在無意中破壞了所有的遊戲規則。
- He refused to take all the blame. 他拒絕接受全部責難。
- Take all of the wine/Take it all. 把所有的酒都喝光[把酒都喝光]。