- The floor usually wins, but once in a while outsiders overwhelm the pros and push the market into a trend. 場內交易者一般會贏,但有時場外交易者很強,他們把市場拉成趨勢。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些豬在市場上賣了好價錢。
- Will it overwhelm the organization? 會壓倒組織嗎?
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停瀉回升。
- Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能為我們考察一下市場前景嗎?
- The market offer optimum condition for sale. 市場為銷售提供了最佳條件。
- She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. 她愛市場上的生趣、喧嘩與多姿多彩。
- My daughter went with me to the market. 我女兒和我一起去了市場。
- The market situation is not known to us. 我們還不了解市場情況。
- The market values are in a nose dive. 市價暴跌。
- Our team overwhelmed the visitors by40 points. 我們隊以40分徹底擊敗了來訪者。
- Love is not to be found in the market. 愛情在市場上找不到。
- These computers are not yet on the market. 這些計算機還未上市。
- Watchers overwhelm the bank of Ruoye Stream. 人看隘若耶。
- A new type of car is on the market now. 現在一種新型小汽車正在上市。
- She buy a dozen of egg in the market. 她在市場上買了一打雞蛋。
- He put his old car on the market. 他將他的舊車標價出售。
- The farmer carted his vegetables to the market. 農民用車把蔬菜裝運到市場。
- The market is rather depressed at the moment. 目前的市場相當蕭條。
- This table was going for a song at the market. 這張桌子正在市場上廉價出售。