- But I know of one way not to win one. 但我知道有一種方法是得不了獎的。
- SJCPL's Public Library WWW Servers. 各國公共圖書館名錄。
- Under his leadership we win one victory after another. 在他的領導下,我們取得一個又一個的勝利。
- If we even make the postseason? Not exactly win one for the Gipper. 如果我們甚至能進入季後賽?那麽努力的才贏得一場看來不是挺妙的唷!
- Cynics will quickly dismiss efforts to define an ethical etiquette as a ridiculous attempt to clean one' s public image while secretly pursuing unethical goals. 批評者會很快地不費力氣地給道德禮儀下定義,認為它是一個人在私底下追求不道德目標的同時,凈化其公眾形象的可笑的企圖。
- It's not like I'm going to go into seclusion if I never win one. 又不是說我沒有拿下一個總冠軍我就將陷入絕境。
- We have won one victory after another. 我們取得一個又一個的勝利。
- We won one victory after another for our cause. 我們的事業從勝利走向勝利。
- EDF won one site at Bradwell, in Essex. 法國電力公司EDF競得位於埃塞克斯的布拉韋爾地點。
- The sixth part introspects to our country"s public prosecution stage procedural diversion system present condition. 第六部分是對我國公訴階段程序分流制度現狀的反思。
- Among a range of issues, it looks at ITV's public service broadcasting obligations, which the network wants to relax. 在一系列問題中,它對準了英國獨立電視台(ITV)的公共廣播義務,而該廣播網希望能將放開這一規定。
- The NYT cites analysts who estimate that China owns $1 of every $10 of America』s public debt. 紐約時報援引分析人士估計,中國擁有美國公共債券的1/10。
- Because people have no thoughts to deal in, they deal cards, and try and win one another's money. Idiots! 人無思可想,就打牌,試圖互相贏對方的錢。一群傻瓜!
- Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature, verifying that the CA has authenticated the network entity that owns the Certificate. 只有證書機構(CA)的公共密鑰才能解密此簽名,以證實持有此證書的網路實體已經通過了CA的鑒定。
- That's maybe why we are better in the Champions League, where you just have to win one game. 這可能就是為什麼我們在冠軍杯中表現得更好,在這裡你只需要贏得一場比賽。
- But the F.D.A.』s public health adisory yesterday could now mean that physicians are likely to be more restrained in their use of the drugs. 這類注射應用的藥物被廣泛進行廣告宣傳,而有證據表明其被過度應用,部分是由於透析中心與腫瘤醫生通過使用這些藥物可獲得利潤。
- Under his leadership we won one victory after another. 在他的領導下,我們取得一個又一個的勝利。
- Ratka: You win one, you not win three! Next, Ratka knock you over, one punch You still stand, you pass test! 瑞特卡:你贏了一局,你不會贏三局!下一局,瑞特卡會打你,如果一拳沒把你打倒的話,你就通過這項測試!
- North Carolina』s Public Interest Research Group released a 2008 Trouble in Toyland report this week at a children』s hospital emergency department. 這個星期北卡羅來納州的公共利益研究組在一個兒童醫院的急診部門裡發布了一個報道,是關於2008年玩具事故的。
- You won one million yuan in a lottery. What will you say? 你買彩票中了一百萬元。想說點什麼嗎?