- A coughing fit racked her whole body. 她一陣咳嗽全身都十分難受。
- Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身體得到全面的鍛煉。
- whole body counting equipment 全身計數裝置, 全身計數器
- Commanders tend to exaggerate their success with a higher body count. 作戰指揮官常常虛報敵方死亡人數來誇大戰果。
- whole body counting 全身計數
- It turned out yet another grim body count. 其結果又是一個可怕的死亡人數統計。
- Weariness pervaded his whole body. 他全身疲倦。
- The determinable error in plate counting method is larger. 平板計數法費時且誤差較大。
- Bennie lies under the big tree with his whole body feeling as if it is on fire. 本尼躺在那棵大樹下,全身彷佛像是在火上烤似的。
- High fever racked his whole body. 發高燒使他渾身難受。
- I feel hate take hold of my whole body. 我感到自己充滿了仇恨。
- The body count seems to go down during the rainy season. 在雨季陣亡的人數似乎有所下降。
- The cough seemed to rack his whole body. 他咳嗽得全身震動。
- Is the compassionate gesture worth the potential body count? (軍方表現出的)這種充滿同情心的姿態,難道說值得以這些生命為代價嗎?
- My whole body aches with weariness. 我累得周身疼痛。
- Class, use these lock count methods. 類,請使用這些鎖計數方法。
- Violent sobs racked her whole body. 劇烈的抽泣使她全身抽搐。
- Great sobs shook his whole body. 他哭的渾身發抖。
- The metronidazole test shows the same results as those found in the classical microscopic counting method. 結果表明:應用溴甲酚紫法測得的甲硝唑抗陰道毛滴蟲活性與用傳統的顯微鏡計數法測得的結果基本一致;
- My whole body was black and blue after I fell down. 青一塊,紫一塊;遍體鱗傷。