My father made home so disagreeable to me that what was called by schoolboys Black Monday was to me the whitest in the whole year. 父親把家弄得令我心情很不愉快,所以學童們所稱的「倒霉的星期一」倒成了我一年當中最快樂的日子。
It's difficult to see ahead a whole year and make plans according to future needs. 預見到未來的整整一年,並根據未來的需要作出計劃是很難的。
The tradesmen of this place earn during the summer months enough to live at quiet for a whole year. 此地的商人在夏季的月份里賺的錢足夠他們安定地生活一整年。
The miners stayed out for a whole year. 礦工罷工已整整一年了。