- We who are inside the economic system are not conscious of how roundabout our productive processes have become. 我們處於這種經濟制度之內的人未感覺到現在生產過程是多麼迂迴彎轉。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候遲到的人使我們厭煩。
- I never smile at people who are rude to me. 我決不會向對我無禮的人微笑。
- Successful are those who are willing to take pains. 成功的人都是那些肯努力的人。
- Marriage is like a Golden Birdcage. While those who are outside want to fly into the birdcage, those who are inside want to escape from the birdcage. (結婚彷彿金漆的鳥籠,籠子外面的鳥想住進去,籠內的鳥想飛出來;所以結而離,離而結,沒有了局。)
- The Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) prohibit targeting non-combatants, so the commander would have been obliged to cancel the order and cease action if he knew who was inside. 武裝衝突法(LOAC)禁止把非戰鬥人員作為目標,那麼如果指揮官知道裡面有誰,就會有取消命令,停止行動的義務。
- Whatever may have been the singular inward tranquillity which we have just mentioned, the barricade, for those who are inside it, remains, none the less, a vision. 不論我們提到的內部安謐有多麼奇特,這街壘,對裡面的人來說,仍然是一種幻影。
- It's time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice. 現在該為蒙受不公正對待的人們大聲疾呼了。
- People who are either under age or over age may not join. 年齡不到或者超齡的人都不得參加。
- Those who are in opposition to the bill put up your hand. 反對該議案的人舉手。
- John always tries to cultivate people who are useful to him. 約翰經常設法和對他有用的人結交。
- Some men never feel small, but these are the few men who are. 有些人決不知難為情之為何物,這些人正是為數不多的王八蛋。
- A red van stop at lake side. Who do you think are inside the van? 一輛紅色的麵包車開到湖邊,你認為裡面坐的是什麼人?
- People who are on a diet mustn't have chocolate. 正在節食的人不能吃巧克力。
- Be on your guard against those who are jealous of your success. 要提防那些嫉妒你的成功的人。
- You shouldn't sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age. 你不應該把香煙賣給沒到歲數的青少年。
- Be on guard against those who are jealous of your success. 要提防那些嫉妒你的成功的人。
- Who was that blond I saw you were with last night? 昨晚我看見和你一道的那個金髮女郎是誰?
- There are insider evaluation, Zang Tianshuo usually very warm person, but insiders "who face the most extensive. 有圈內人評價,臧天朔平時為人很熱情,而且是圈內「人面最廣」的。
- Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去露營的人請在大門口集合。