- I have decided to buy a bicycle, whether it is expensive or not. 我已經決定買一部腳踏車,不論貴不貴。
- We must confirm whether it is true or not. 我們必須確認那是不是真的。
- I am not certain whether it is true or not. 我沒有把握這是否如此。
- I'm not certain whether it is true or not. 我沒有把握這是否如此。
- It is doubtful whether it is true or not. 這件事的真假是可疑的。
- Whether it is unwise or not depend upon the spirit in which it do. 這件事可取與否全在於做這件事的態度。
- I will go shopping whether it is fine or not tomorrow. 明天天氣好不好,我都要去買東西。
- Whether it is a good plan or not is a matter for argument. 那是不是個好計劃,是個值得商榷的問題。
- There is surely some doubt as to whether it is true or not. 是真是假還有疑問。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨對我來說都一樣。
- Yes,I mean whether it is necessary for me to change from one train to another. 外賓: 是的,我是說是否有必要從某次車換到另外一次車上去?
- It is equal to me whether he comes or not. 他來不來對我都一樣。
- Yes, I mean whether it is necessary for me to change from one train to another. 外賓: 是的,我是說是否有必要從某次車換到另外一次車上去?
- It is all one to me whether he comes or not. 他來不來對我來說都無所謂。
- I am afraid I should burn a bit to see whether it is inflammable or not. 恐怕我得點燃一點兒看它是不是易燃的。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要馬上派他到那裡去。
- We have to carefully examine the new Prius to know whether it is necessary for us to take certain measures. 我們必須認真研究新的普銳斯知道,我們有必要採取某些措施.
- It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not. 他能否算出我的運氣還是個疑問。
- It is touch and go whether the policemen will come or not. 警察們能不能來,現在還很難說。
- When new Community herbal monographs are established, the registration holder shall consider whether it is necessary to modify the registration dossier accordingly. 當共同體新草藥專論建立后,註冊持有人應考慮是否有必要對註冊檔案提出修改以符合這些專論。