- Mary couldn't understand what on earth the teacher meant. 瑪麗不理解老師說的究竟是什麼意思。
- What on Earth is the Public Finance? 究竟什麼是公共財政?
- What on earth is the matter here? 到底發生了什麼?
- What on earth is the matter over there? 那裡到底發生了什。
- Facing such strong expressive and visual impact works, what on earth the kind of task remained for you? 面對這些表現力和視覺衝擊很強的作品,留給你和使你回味的究竟是什麼味道呢?
- In China What On Earth is the Modern Art? 現代藝術在中國到底是什麼?
- What on earth is the matter there? 那裡到底是怎麼回事?
- He saw the film several times; I wonder what on earth he saw in it. 他這場電影看了好幾遍了,我不知道他究竟喜歡這個電影的什麼。
- If the lower order does not set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them? 假使下層人士不給我們作出好榜樣的話,那麼他們到底有何用處呢?
- The reason is what has been stated in Chapter 2 . 原因就是在第二章論述過的。
- Nevertheless, what on earth the benefit would be-is an issue in the scientific area worthing studying. 但這一效益究竟如何,成為亟待研究的科學問題。
- What on earth are you gabbling about? 你到底在咕嚕些什麼?
- The reason is it that I have faith in her. 理由是我相信她
- What on earth will he get up to next? 下一步他究竟要耍什麽花樣?
- The reason is it that I do not believe him. 理由是我不相信他
- For pity's sake!What on earth is this? 我的老天!這究竟是什麼玩藝兒?
- The reason is simple: I sing out of tune,you see. 原因非常簡單: 你要知道,我唱歌走調。
- What on earth is going on with that young couple? 那對小夫妻究竟怎麼了?
- The reason is blindingly obvious. 原因十分明顯。
- Entries like this are one of my favorite parts of the gazetteer: trying to quiz myself and remember when places were mentioned in the books, and what on earth the reference was about. 像這一條這樣的條目,是地名詞典里我最喜歡做的事情之一:考問我自己是不是能記起書中哪裡出現了這個地名,還有到底這個名字有什麼意義。