- It sounded just that weird and disordered. 聽起來總是那麼古里古怪、好象神經有點毛病似的。
- It was a sad business, and absurd war-making. 這是一件可悲的事,是荒謬的作戰方法。
- Weird and wonderful rock formations. 離奇的怪石。
- My neighbour has this weird and wonderful machine that can peel potatoes, dice vegetables, make pastry and grind coffee. 我鄰居有一台奇妙的機器,可以削土豆皮,把蔬菜切成小方塊,製作油酥麵糰和磨咖啡。
- I don't trust some of these weird and wonderful new machines. 這些新花樣的機器,有的我信不過。
- It represents an arbitrary, radical and absurd moment of our history. 它印證了我們歷史上某個瞬間的武斷、激進和荒唐。
- Some blunders and absurdities have crept in. 如果一些錯誤和荒謬還是發生了。
- The weirder and more detailed the better. 越奇怪越詳細越好。
- I realized then the total idiocy of the easy and absurd resolutions I had made. 這時我才了解到我所下的決定是多麼草率與荒謬。
- Yeah, he's a real loopy guy. He always does some weird and stupid things. 對啊,他真是個瘋子。他總是做一些奇怪又愚蠢的事情。
- His face was coarse-slack from illness, suffering, and absurdity. 他臉上的肌肉粗糙鬆弛,是病痛、苦難和荒唐生活造成的結果。
- She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world, the most unaccountable and absurd! 她當即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至極,不可思議。
- My neighbour has this weird and wonderful machine that can peel potatoes,dice vegetables,make pastry and grind coffee. 我鄰居有一台奇妙的機器,可以削土豆皮,把蔬菜切成小方塊,製作油酥麵糰和磨咖啡。
- "O" is for openness, being open to people, new ideas and absurd but intriguing ideas. 代表開明,願意接受他人,接受新思想、接受荒誕而極富吸引力的思想。
- Unless the thought itself is banal and absurd, which pushes people to stop its spreading. 除非思想本身帶了陳腐和荒誕的論調,以致於人們會全力反對不讓其自由漫延。
- I don't know. I just had this weird sense. You know, but that's me. I'm weird and sensitive. Tissue? 我不知道,我只不過有這種奇怪的念頭。但那正是我,我很怪異也很敏感。要紙巾嗎?
- But to the world beyond Westminster, a ten-minute prime minister would surely seem a transparent and absurd ruse. 原譯:但是,對西敏宮外的人們來說,這樣一個十分鐘首相肯定就像是「一個徹底而荒謬的騙局」。
- One day, school came an intern teacher, her hair style is weird and her mouth is sharp and prominent. 有一天,學校來了一個實習老師,髮型古怪,個咀又突又尖。
- The building must be taken as a whole, as odd and absurd as you like, but exceedingly quaint and striking. 整體的來看這座承包的建築,它是不成對而且荒謬的,但是卻非常的精巧和令人印象深刻的。
- Giving up to curiosity, Nicholas visits CRS and all kinds of weird and bad things start to happen to him. 這項被稱做CRS的遊戲一步步地把主人公捲入一場越來越大的風暴中,把他原來平靜的生活搗了個粉碎。