- The coupe flashed by us with a flurry of dust and the flash of a waving hand. 小轎車從我們身邊疾馳而過,揚起了一陣塵土,車上有人揮了揮手。
- "Keep up with!" Alice turned back and shouted to him , impatiently wave hands. 「跟上!」愛麗絲轉身向他喊,不耐煩地揮著手。
- His hands stopped at the inside coat pocket. 他的手在他上衣裡面的衣袋上停住了。
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比爾向我們揮手告別後開車走了。
- Stop fucking around and come and give me a hand. 別胡鬧了,過來給我幫個忙。
- The trailing green villus leans on the wind, smiling and waving hand to me, calling for me to spread my loose sleeves like wings; together with fairies, we fly to the green land outside the world. 蔓綠絨倚風媚笑,向我招手,向我呼喚,詩心頓展起雙翼,與綠衣仙子同舒廣袖,飛往綠油油的世外。
- There are a hundred or so different postures with wonderful names like "White Crane Spreads its wings","Needle at Sea Bottom","Wave hands like a Cloud",which give an idea of what you are expected to do,but you don't have to learn them all. 太極拳共有100個左右的姿勢,它們都有絕妙的名稱,如:「白鶴亮翅」,「海底撈針」,「雲手」等,十分清晰地告訴你該怎麼演練,但你不必所有姿勢都學。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤煙熏污的手把紙弄髒了。
- There are a hundred or so different postures with wonderful names like "White Crane Spreads its wings", "Needle at Sea Bottom", "Wave hands like a Cloud", which give an idea of what you are expected to do, but you don't have to learn them all. 太極拳共有100個左右的姿勢,它們都有絕妙的名稱,如:「白鶴亮翅」,「海底撈針」,「雲手」等,十分清晰地告訴你該怎麼演練,但你不必所有姿勢都學。
- Interruptions were swept aside with a wave of the hand. 手一揮就把別人的插話甩到一邊去了。
- Turn round and wave hand at the same time swing fan around head 雙晃手擰身纏頭扇
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子們手拉手地在街上散步。
- The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. 老師叫這個小學生把手放下。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二廣播電台可在長波段收聽到。
- She picked up a new magazine with her free hand. 她用空著的一隻手拿起一本新雜誌。
- My father is a dab hand at baking bread. 做麵包是我父親的拿手好戲。
- I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音機收聽到你的信號。
- The evening, my mother then lamlam home again and I lamlam farewell lamlam, waving hands, we all laughed. 晚上,媽媽又來接蘭蘭回家,我和蘭蘭告別,蘭蘭揮舞著小手,我們都笑了。
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一個波浪從池水表面掠過。
- Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please. 請遞給我一個最熟的橘子。