- Vitamin E and Calendula Ointment is helpful in balancing the elements of air water fire and earth along the skin. 維他命E和金盞草油膏,則有助於平衡皮膚上的氣、水火土元素。
- Making pit geology work well is the basic security of realizing coal mine safety.It's very important to prevent from main calamities such as water fire gas and roof. 搞好礦井地質工作,是實現煤礦安全生產的基本保障,對預防水、火、瓦斯、頂板等主要災害有著極為重要的意義。
- The static charge inverts the elements of air water fire and earth along with inverse elements of ether, lava, smoke and vapor in the field of all around the television along with the land. 靜電負荷反轉電視機周圍所有的能量場,包括大地的氣水火土元素及逆元素以太、熔岩、煙和水蒸氣。
- According to the requirements for modern naval ship water fire fighting system, two practically feasible automation measures are proposed to improve the naval ship safety and vitality. 本文針對現代艦船的水消防系統設計要求,提出了兩項切實可行的自動化措施,旨以提高艦船的安全性和生命力。
- Formed a bucket brigade to carry water to the fire. 提桶形成一個隊列以傳水救火
- A fire hisses if water is thrown on it. 把水澆到火上,火就發出嘶嘶聲。
- gas pressure water fire extinguisher 氣壓清水滅火機
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚藍的天空。
- Far water does not put out near fire. [諺]遠水救不了近火。
- The fire was quenched with a bucket of water. 火被一桶水澆滅了。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 護士用生理鹽水把葯加以稀釋。
- He'd go through fire and water for her. 他願為她赴湯蹈火。
- Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters. [諺]水火是忠僕,也能成災主。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白蘭地中摻水是可惡的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氫和氧。
- Bucket of water is passed from hand to hand to put the fire out. 人們一桶又一桶傳遞著水以便把火撲滅。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大鍋開水煮義大利麵食。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我將襯衫浸在肥皂水裡以去除污漬。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 給你的散熱器充水,否則引擎會過熱。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 讓茶葉在滾開的水中浸泡五分鐘。