A stable positive and reverse rotating airflow was observed in the combustor of a tangentially firing boiler and is similar to the coanda effect. 在冷態模擬試驗中,發現切向燃燒的爐膛內存在著穩定的正旋和反旋現象,它與射流附壁效應相似,屬於雙穩結構。
A stable positive and reverse rotating airflow was observed in the combustor of a tangentially firing boiler and is similar to the coanda effect. 在冷態模擬試驗中,發現切向燃燒的爐膛內存在著穩定的正旋和反旋現象,它與射流附壁效應相似,屬於雙穩結構。
A stable positive and reverse rotating airflow was observed in the combustor of a tangentially firing boiler and is similar to the coanda effect. 在冷態模擬試驗中,發現切向燃燒的爐膛內存在著穩定的正旋和反旋現象,它與射流附壁效應相似,屬於雙穩結構。
A stable positive and reverse rotating airflow was observed in the combustor of a tangentially firing boiler and is similar to the coanda effect. 在冷態模擬試驗中,發現切向燃燒的爐膛內存在著穩定的正旋和反旋現象,它與射流附壁效應相似,屬於雙穩結構。