- He finished off the story in his usual manner. 他還像往常那樣結束了這個故事。
- She finished off her education at the Sorbonne. 她在梭爾邦大學完成最後的學業。
- I think you were very shabbily treated. 要我說,你真是受大委屈了。
- The meeting finished off with a revolutionary song. 會議最後以唱革命歌曲而結束。
- The little boy finished off all the beer! 那小男孩把啤酒全喝完了!
- Snow was treated very shabbily by the U.S. press. 在這期間,斯諾受到了美國新聞界和政界極不公平的對待。
- He began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work. 他開始整理書桌,結束一周的工作。
- He has to finish off three players to get the prize. 他得拼掉三個選手后才能獲獎。
- He was treated very shabbily by the press during this period. 在這期間,他受到了新聞界極不公正的對待。
- So she set to work,and very soon finished off the cake. 於是,她又吃開了,很塊就把一塊點心吃完了。
- So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake. 於是,她大口嚼起來,一會兒就把那塊糕吃掉了。
- We've finished off the last of our fuel oil. 我們已經用完了最後的燃料油。
- He finished off his story in an exciting tone. 他以激動的語調結束了他的故事。
- Old Smith came round far a chat and finished off the remains of my whisky. 老史密斯來我家閑聊,把我剩下的威士忌全喝光了。
- Eg: Snow was treated very shabbily by the U.S. press and officialdom during this period, victimized for his views. 在此期間,斯諾受到了美國新聞界和政界極不公平的對待,由於他的觀點,他受到了迫害。
- The old rich man was finished off by a thief. 那個老富翁被一竊賊謀殺了。
- Snow was treated very shabbily by the U.S.press and officialdom during this period ,victimized for his views. 在這期間;斯諾受到了美國新聞界和政界極不公正的對待;由於他的觀點;他受到了迫害.
- Snow was treated very shabbily by the U.S. press and officialdom during this period, victimized for his views. 在這期間,斯諾受到了美國新聞界和政界極不公正的對待,由於他的觀點,他受到了迫害。
- We soon finished off the remnants of enemy forces . 我們很快就消滅了殘餘的敵軍。
- Dad finished off the last piece of cake. 爸爸吃完最後的一片蛋糕。