- This paper introduced The Development of Surveillant and Manipulative System Based on the DSP about Compressor"s Running State. 本文介紹了基於DSP的空壓機運行狀態監控系統的開發,整個系統主要完成空壓機電動機的運行狀態監測與智能保護功能。
- The ship』s running lights pinpointed the dark. 船上的探照燈光刺破黑暗。
- It is an hour' s run by train from here to London. 從此地到倫敦搭火車有一小時的行程。
- Registers that the supplied object has entered the running state. 註冊提供的對象已進入運行狀態。
- Tom kept up s running commentary on the football game. 湯姆對足球賽進行實況廣播報道。
- Transformer is the one of hardcore equipments in the power system, and its running state affects on the power system"s security directly. 變壓器是電力系統的核心設備之一,它的運行狀況直接影響到電力系統的安全。
- Fill up the tank, please. My car 's running out of petrol. 請人油箱加滿,我車汽油用完了。
- It』s run by Negra - an elderly lady with black, flashing eyes. 它的主人叫尼格拉,一個上了年紀的老婦人,她有著烏黑閃亮的眼睛。
- China runs state affairs according to law. 中國實行依法治國。
- Let』s run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it. 讓我們把旗杆升起,看誰會向它致敬。
- With the additional restriction that the VSA engine must be in a running state. 完全相同,但有一個附加限制,即VSA引擎必須處於運行狀態。
- The job of the gear shifting process control module is real-time regulate the accelerograph controller by the conclusion result of the optimal shift decision-making module,which insure the vehicle keep in optimal running state. 換擋過程式控制制模塊完成的任務是根據最優換擋決策演算法的推理結果,通過油門位置的實時調節對換擋過程進行控制,保證車輛傳動系統處於最佳運行狀態。
- To change or to cause a change of a process from an inactive state to a running state. 將一進程從不活動狀態變為(或導致變為)運行狀態。
- Removes the script engine from the running state and disconnects automatically bound event handlers. 從運行狀態中移除腳本引擎,並自動斷開與綁定事件處理程序的連接。
- Notifies all registered advisory sinks that the object has changed from the running state to the loaded state. 向所有已註冊的通知接收器通知以下情況:對象已從運行狀態更改為載入狀態。
- The current functionary crime seriously hinders the process of running state affairs according to law. 當前的職務犯罪問題嚴重阻礙著依法治國的進程。
- If an application or OS does hang, that VM can be restarted without affecting any of the other VM's running on the ESX Server. 當一個應用服務或者操作系統意外終止服務,這台虛擬機可以在不影響運行於該ESX伺服器的其他虛擬機及服務的情況下重啟。
- The running state and the allowed operating range of the feedwater pump can be determined with the model. 利用本模型,可確定給水泵真實運行狀態和允許的工作範圍。
- The 2-1 victory at the Stadio Franchi ended the Viola』s run of three consecutive defeats and a week of tension. 在弗蘭基球場的一場2:1的勝利,讓紫百合結束了聯賽三連敗,同時也緩解一周以來球隊緊張的局勢。
- Xiaolongshan to Forest Park as an example of Chinas forest parks and forest tourism development funds running state. 以小隴山森林公園為例分析了我國森林公園森林旅遊業發展及資金運行狀況。