- Type the size in bytes of a variable length field. 鍵入用位元組表示的長度可變域的大小。
- Courses can be of variable length and time. 各課程之開辦期間及時間會有所不同。
- VLSM - Variable Length Subnet Mask. 胩劣淤 - 顯團窩澇友.
- Drag to add a hand with variable length sleeve. 通過拖動添加袖筒長度可變的手。
- Design the datapath of FPU, which includes mantissa part and exponent part. 完成了浮點處理單元的數據通路設計,包括尾數部件和指數部件。
- Tagged columns can contain an unlimited, variable length of data. 標記列可以包含無限的可變長度的數據。
- Like Visual Basic strings, arrays are of variable length by default. 像Visual Basic字元串一樣,數組的長度在默認情況下是可變的。
- Hash algorithms create a fixed length output for a given variable length data. 哈希演算法為不同的長度的變數創建出一個固定長度的輸出。
- An integer or a floating point number (float) is converted to a string representing the number with its digits (including the exponent part for floating point numbers). 整數或浮點數數值在轉換成字元串時,字元串由表示這些數值的數字字元組成(浮點數還包含有指數部分)。
- Random Password generator of variable length in numeric, hex or alphanumeric format. 可變長度在的隨機的口令生成器數字,十六進位或數字字母的格式。
- Strings are of variable length by default, and this attribute is useful when storing strings to files. 字元串的長度在默認情況下是可變的,此屬性在將字元串存儲到文件時很有用。
- If you want the data in a column to have variable length, you would not set this flag. 如果希望列中的數據具有可變長度,則不要設置此標誌。
- The VBFixedStringAttribute is informational and cannot be used to convert a variable length string to a fixed string. VBFixedStringAttribute是信息性的屬性,不能用於將可變長度字元串轉換為固定長度字元串。
- Is informational and cannot be used to convert a variable length string to a fixed string. 是信息性的,不能用於將變長字元串轉換為固定長度字元串。
- The concept of edge polynomials with variable length is introduced. Stability of such polynomials is analyzed. 引入變長度棱邊多項式的概念 ;並分析了其穩定性 .
- In this paper, we introduce a buffering scheme for variable length packet (like IP packet). 描述了一種針對可變長度數據包 (如 IP數據包 )的緩衝方法 .
- Random Password generator of variable length in numeric, hex or alphanumeric format . 可變長度在的隨機的口令生成器數字,十六進位或數字字母的格式。
- In this paper, we design a variable length FFT/IFFT architecture for OFDM system. 本文將解析低功率消耗的IFFT/FFT硬體設計,於OFDM系統的應用。
- A tagged message also has the space overhead of allocating variable length data elements to store the retrieved data values. 帶標記的消息還需要分配可變長度的數據元素來存儲檢索數據值而帶來的空間開銷。
- Items in the constant pool are variable length, with the first byte of each item identifying the type of item and how it should be decoded. 常量池中各項的長度是可變的,每項的第一個位元組標識項的類型以及對它解碼的方式。