- Van Den Bergh test 范登泊試驗[檢膽紅素]
- Called the indirect Van den Bergh fraction. 故也稱間接膽紅素。
- Mr Van den Bergh, though, is philosophical about corporate crises. 不過,他還是能夠辨證地看待公司危機。
- So what type of chairman is Mr Van den Bergh?「I am very hands-off. 那麼范登博格先生是一位什麼樣的領導人呢?
- As Mr Van den Bergh sees it: 「The pressure on boards has really increased. 在范登博格先生看來,「董事會的壓力的確增大了。
- Van den Bergh, the maintenance of the shares "neutral" investment rating. 維持宏達股份"中性"投資評級。
- Jercen C. J.M. van den Bergh (1996) ,Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar UK. Briikfield, US. 平狄克;魯賓費爾德.;微觀經濟學(中譯本)
- However, show 5 Handicap yuan to take a clear, smooth transfer of shares in the van den Bergh, after the force. 但盤口顯示在5元以下有明顯的承接,在宏達順利過戶股權后開始發力。
- Salt Lake Potash trend or two model can refer to, that is, van den Bergh, and the sky of the shares. 鹽湖鉀肥的走勢或有兩個樣板可以參考,即宏達股份和雲天化。
- Mart van den Bergh, a goal pursued by the whole variety, low prices and quality service. 宏達商城追求的目標是全品種,低價格和優質服務。
- Van den Bergh, last week after the successful transfer of ownership to begin force. 上周在宏達順利過戶股權后,開始發力。
- "Van den Bergh, who" will do more for the rights of old and new families to provide satisfactory service. 「宏達人」必定會更加竭盡權利地為新老可戶提供滿意的服務。
- At the age of 63, it will not be long before Mr Van den Bergh will be looking towards retirement, but he will not be returning to the Netherlands. 時年六十三歲,范登博格先生考慮退休的時間也不遠了,但他並不打算返回荷蘭。
- January 12, van den Bergh, tug shares trading board, although certain adjustments Tuesday, but the unit continued to Wednesday rose 5.5 percent. 1月12日,宏達股份強拉漲停板,雖然周二出現一定幅度調整,但周三該股繼續上漲5.;5%25。
- Alongside the increasing visibility and accountability, Mr Van den Bergh has another burden to bear: sitting on the BT pension scheme performance review group. 隨著曝光度與責任的日益增加,范登博格先生又添了一幅新擔子:主持英國電信公司養老金計劃執行評估小組。
- BY THE the law of averages, if you hang around at a company long enough you』ll have to deal with a crisis sooner or later, according to Maarten van den Bergh. 按照他的說法,根據平均率,只要在一家公司呆得夠久,遲早都會碰到處理危機的時候。
- Yesterday, the market size of the new excavation of three samples of non-lifting shares are Singapore, Malaysia car, and van den Bergh, Pudong Jinqiao shares. 昨日,市場又新發掘了三家大小非解禁的樣本股,分別是星馬汽車、浦東金橋和宏達股份。
- Van den Bergh, restart the acquisition of shares issued yesterday Jinding zinc industry news, attracted Chihong Zinc Germanium massive trading yesterday. 宏達股份昨天發布重啟收購金鼎鋅業的消息,引來了馳宏鋅鍺昨天巨量漲停。
- Van den Bergh, the company produces more than 200 brands of ordinary performance and the special properties of silicone rubber products, extensive application areas. 宏達公司可生產200多個牌號的普通性能和特殊性能的硅橡膠產品,應用領域廣泛。
- Chenguang as van den Bergh, a pilot is already in operation, the current is mainly responsible for van den Bergh, cooperation is not normal to develop new markets, please support! 晨光公司作為宏達的試點已在運作,目前主要負責宏達未正常合作的新市場的開發,敬請支持!