- The audience laughed at the comedian 's wit. 喜劇演員的風趣使觀眾發笑。
- Please use one or more module(s) to display statistics on the frontend. 如果要在網站前台顯示統計結果,請選擇安裝相應的模塊。
- Can I use one time your telephone? 我可以用一下你的電話嗎?
- To use one's superior rank to gain an advantage. 弄權利用某人的高級職位謀求利益
- You can use one account for all of the services. 您可以對所有服務使用一個帳戶。
- What is a playlist and why would I want to use one? 什麼是播放列表?為什麼要使用播放列表?
- Use one minute to describe your first love. 用一分鐘時間說出你的初戀。
- Use one of the static members of the. 類的靜態成員之一。
- You should use one root disk per storage group. 每個存儲組應該使用一個根磁碟。
- Can we use one model to educate all? 用一個模式教所有的孩子行嗎?
- Why not use one number continuously? 用一個號碼不停地打就行了?
- That『s wot i『m talkin『 about,dude!! 驚險刺激!
- Sally: Both handa! In Britain we can use one hand! 雙手?在英格蘭我們一隻手就可以了。
- This is what made him a riveting teacher and truly unforgettable,」 Pursell concluded.So, intellectual genius is not the end of the Holy Father』s wit. 我也要在此邀請全世界的青年前來澳大利亞這個「聖神的南半球大陸地」。
- A preference for using one hand as opposed to the other. 手性用一隻手而不用另一隻手的習慣
- JEHOVAH's WITNESSES: No shit happens until Armageddon. 耶和華的證人:直到世界末日;才會有霉運.
- The picture won't stop up if you use one of those weak hooks. 你如果用一個不結實的鉤子,這畫就掛不住。
- The project started in 1998.It used Schulman's PP and PME's WIT technology to mold a part with three water channels from 20 to 60 mm diam and 800 to 1500 mm long. 供應商希望在管狀件、汽車的油路和水管、把手、棚頂架、儀錶板、防撞杠、門拉手、離合器、方向盤支撐等零件上首先找到涉足的突破口。
- Likewise, a psionic hydra can only use one attack mode per round. 同樣地,一隻靈能多頭蛇蜥每輪也只能發動一次心靈攻擊模式。
- It is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges. 不允許把職權變成特權。