- Don't involve yourself in unnecessary expense. 勿做不必要的花費。
- All this is totally unnecessary. 所有這些完全都是多餘的。
- Don't burden yourself with unnecessary problems. 勿為不必要的問題所累。
- There is no question of overlap between the two courses. 這兩門課程之間不存在重疊的問題。
- There is a small overlap between the two circles. 在這兩個圓周有一小部分重疊。
- The referee penalized the team for unnecessary roughness. 這個隊因行為粗魯而受到裁判的處罰。
- I'm sorry you've had a wasted (ie unnecessary, fruitless) journey. 很遺憾你白跑了一趟。
- You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不應該讓士兵們冒不必要的危險。
- For as much as many knew this, further explanation is unnecessary. 既然很多人知道此事,沒有必要作進一步解釋了。
- Will you prune off the unnecessary adjectives in the passage? 把這段文字中不必要的形容詞刪去好嗎?
- For milder weather, caps and mittens are unnecessary. 天氣比較暖和時,沒有必要戴帽子和連指手套。
- Will you prune away the unnecessary adjectives in the passage? 把這段文字中不必要的形容詞刪去好嗎?
- I can't subscribe to unnecessary killing. 我不能同意不必要的殺戮。
- I shall like to say how much I disapprove of taking such an unnecessary step. 我想表明我很不贊成採取如此不必要的步驟。
- It's very foolish of the commander to expose his men to unnecessary risks. 這個指揮官讓士兵們冒不必要的危險真是太愚蠢了。
- You should avoid unnecessary repetition. 你應避免不必要的重複。
- It is unnecessary to argue with him. 和他辯論此事是不必要的。
- Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest. 重疊的,交叉的某些昆蟲休息時其翅膀重迭的或交叉的
- Meeting at the edges without overlapping, as some petals do. 鑷合狀的在沒有重疊的情狀下邊上鑷合的,例如花瓣
- It relieved him of his unnecessary anxieties. 這使他消除了不必要的焦慮。