- This is an amicable mood conversation. 這是一次親切友好的交談。
- The plan grew out of a casual conversation. 這個計劃出自於一次非正式的談話。
- We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation. 我們暢談了好幾個小時。
- She has a mercurial turn of conversation. 她談話善轉話鋒。
- Their conversation was full of blasphemy. 他們的談話中充滿了瀆犯神靈的言詞。
- I'll certainly be most discreet in my conversation. 我在談話中當然會十分小心的。
- Don't barge in on our conversation. 在我們交談時別嘴。
- Don't break into their conversation. 不要打斷他們的談話。
- He broke short the conversation. 他突然停止了談話。
- He burst in upon our conversation. 他打斷了我們的話。
- He only heard the fag-end of their conversation. 他只聽到他們交談中無足輕重的部分。
- The band drowned our conversation. 樂隊的演奏聲把我們談話的聲音淹沒了。
- Our conversation ranged over many topics. 我們的談話涉及很多話題。
- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言談中提及文學世界。
- The motor noise ruled out conversation. 發動機的噪音使談話無法進行。
- The conversation gravitated to sport. 談話的內容轉到了運動方面。
- Don't barge into the conversation. 別插嘴。
- I listened to their conversation. 我傾聽他們的談話。
- Clause for that unmapped exception. 子句捕捉。
- Did you have a conversation with him? 你和他談過話了嗎?