- The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable. 暴民們很快地變得狂暴和無法控制。
- The most common type of unmanaged resource is an object that wraps an operating system resource, such as a file handle, window handle, or network connection. 最常用的非託管資源類型是包裝操作系統資源的對象,例如,文件句柄、窗口句柄或網路連接。
- For more information on why you should use the Dispose method in this way, see Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources. 有關為何以這種方式使用Dispose方法的更多信息,請參見Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources。
- Removes the provider's registration from the ETW subsystem and releases all unmanaged resources. [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。
- Releases the unmanaged resources used by the AttachmentBase and optionally releases the managed resources. [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。
- You can and mus tuse these methods to release any unmanaged resources that an object owns. 一個對象,在它成為垃圾后、系統重新獲得它的內存前,它的終結器會在某個時候被調用。
- Releases the unmanaged resources used by the FreeformActivityDesigner and optionally releases the managed resources. [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。
- If you're going to be defensive, you must write a finalizer when your type holds unmanaged resources. 如果你打算做些防備,當你的類型有未託管資源時,必須編寫一個終結器。
- Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ResXResourceReader and optionally releases the managed resources. [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。
- Writing secure code does not guard against self-inflicted security holes when working with unmanaged resources such as databases. 編寫安全代碼不會阻止在使用非託管資源(如資料庫)時自己造成的安全漏洞。
- In addition, it describes the recommended design pattern to use to properly clean up any unmanaged resources that your application creates. 除此之外,本節還介紹了推薦的設計模式,以用來正確地清理應用程序創建的任何非託管資源。
- Find the objects no longer commanded, release the memory the objects occupied, and affranchise memory occupied by unmanaged resources. 尋找不再使用的對象,釋放其佔用的內存; 以及釋放非託管資料庫所佔用的內存.
- When overridden in a derived class, releases the unmanaged resources used by the AsymmetricAlgorithm and optionally releases the managed resources. [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。
- Find the objects no longer needed, release the memory the objects occupied, and affranchise memory occupied by unmanaged resources. 尋找不再使用的對象,釋放其佔用的內存; 以及釋放非託管資源所佔用的內存.
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 無法估量的自然資源因被濫用而永遠喪失了。
- His system was somewhat unmanageable. 他的系統頗難處理。
- Such a list would be unmanageable. 這樣的清單將是龐大的。
- Water is an essentially nonrenewable resource. 水是一種不能再生的資源。
- The costs involved had become unmanageable. 所涉及的費用變得無法控制。
- The degree to which a system or resource is ready when needed to process data. 在需要處理數據時,系統或資源就緒的程度。