- The modern Plato has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders who are not university men. 現代的「柏拉圖」對那些不是大學畢業的政客、政治家和黨派領導人輕蔑到無以復加的程度。
- The Renaissance artists were universal men. 文藝復興時期的藝術家們是無所不知的。
- The modern Plato,like his ancient counterpart,has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders being not university men. 現代的「柏拉圖」正象古代的柏拉圖一樣,對那些不是大學畢業的政客、政治家和黨派領導人輕蔑到無以復加的程度。
- The modern Plato, like his ancient counterpart,has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders being not university men. 現代的「柏拉圖」正象古代的柏拉圖一樣,對那些不是大學畢業的政客、政治家和黨派領導人輕蔑到無以復加的程
- Compared to other groups,university men are a special group,who are both youth and clerisy.Their political cognizance is accordingly special,too. 大學生是集青年和知識分子於一體的特殊群體,其政治認知較其他群體具有自身的特點。
- A well-known actors company,the Lord Chamberlains,was snapping their fingers at the manuscripts of the university men,the accredited producers of fine literature. 一個著名的戲班子,宮廷大臣劇團,正在公然藐視高雅文學的合格作者大學人士的廠搞了。
- A well-known actors company, the Lord Chamberlains, was snapping their fingers at the manuscripts of the university men, the accredited producers of fine literature. 一個著名的戲班子,宮廷大臣劇團,正在公然藐視高雅文學的合格作者大學人士的廠搞了。
- On Constructing Fair Employment Condition for University Men of China 論我國大學生公平就業環境的構建
- Aerobics is a synthetic sport that includes body beauty, sport beauty and music beauty. The aesthetics value of aerobics can comprehensively develop university man's aesthetic conception. 健美操是一種集形體美、動美、樂美於一體的綜合性運動項目;其美學價值可以使大學生的審美觀在健美操的學習中得到全面發展.
- An educated man is not necessarily a learned man or a university man , but a man with certain subtle spiritual qualities which make him calm in adversity, happy when alone, just in his dealings, rational and sane in all the affairs of life. 有修養的人不一定有學問;也不一定上過大學;而是具有一種微妙氣質的人;他處逆境能鎮定;雖孤獨也快樂;待人公正;處世穩健明理.
- The speaker declaims that all universities' men should take various outside courses. The final judgment; in my point of view; should depend on a case-by-case analysis.;中立態度。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要進入名牌大學學習的夢想實現了。
- Saint John's University Men's Chorus 美國聖約翰大學合唱團
- university men's moral and law education 大學生道德法制教育
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大學里和一幫壞人廝混。
- I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大學的機會。
- He will get a place at the university. 他將在大學里獲得一個職位。
- I rue never having been to university. 我後悔從未上過大學。
- She usually gets her best pupils into university. 她教的最好的學生通常都能考上大學。