Finally he found them - in a box under what remained of the basement stairwell. 最後,他終於找到了,是在殘存的地下室樓梯井下的一個箱子里找到的。
Aunt Em and Uncle Henry were down in the cellar under the ground, but the house, Dorothy, and Toto went to the top of the cyclone. 埃姆舅媽和亨利舅舅在地底下的地下室里,但是房子,多蘿西,托托卻升到龍捲風的頂端。
Next day Wilbur was taken from his home under the apple tree and went to live in a manure pile in the cellar of Zuckerman's barn. 第二天,威伯被從他在蘋果樹下的小房子裡帶走,住進了祖克曼先生的穀倉下面,地窖里的牛糞堆旁。