a region of complete shadow resulting from total obstruction of light
用作名詞 (n.)
This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot. 這包括對太陽黑子本影和半影持續的觀測。
It is the custom that aged or infirm Striders make a final journey into the Umbra, never to return. 年老或者衰弱的漫遊者會根據傳統最後一次出發去影界,一去不歸。
This is a lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow. 這是本影和陰影邊緣之間較亮的區域。
Shaped like a cone extending into space, the umbra has a circular cross section that can be most easily seen during a lunar eclipse. 本影就像一個圓錐一樣延伸在空間中,當月食發生時,它很容易被看到。