- A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof-shaped basal leaves. 款冬一種菊科低矮的多年生歐亞草本植物(款冬款冬屬),原產於北美部分地區,長有蒲公英狀花序和巨大的蹄狀基生葉
- Tussilago farfara L. 款冬
- A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family,naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large,hoof-shaped basal leaves. 款冬一種菊科低矮的多年生歐亞草本植物(款冬款冬屬),原產於北美部分地區,長有蒲公英狀花序和巨大的蹄狀基生葉。
- A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara)in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof - shaped basal leaves. 款冬一種菊科低矮的多年生歐亞草本植物(款冬款冬屬),原產於北美部分地區,長有蒲公英狀花序和巨大的蹄狀基生葉
- Growing Techniques for Tussilago farfara 款冬栽培技術
- Keywords Tussilago farfara L.;Chongqing Wuxi county;HPLC;Rutin; 款冬花;巫溪縣;高效液相色譜;蘆丁;
- Phytochemical and pharmacological research progress in Tussilago farfara 款冬花的化學成分及藥理活性研究進展
- Keywords Compositae;Tussilago farfara;chemical constituents;bioactivity; 菊科;款冬花;化學成分;生物活性;
- Keywords Tussilago farfara;fertilization;biomass;yield;rutin;total flavones; 款冬;施肥;生物量;產量;蘆丁;總黃酮;
- Study on Identification of Pathomycetes and Prevention and Control of Brown Blotches of Tussilago farfara Leaves 款冬葉片褐斑病病原鑒定與防治研究
- Effects of Fertilization on Yield, Quality and Biomass Distribution of Tussilago farfara 施肥對款冬生物量分配和產量品質的影響
- Keywords compositae;Tussilago farfara L.;essential oil;capillary chromatography;GC/MS; 菊科;款冬花;揮髮油;毛細管色譜;氣相色譜-質譜;
- Keywords Tussilago farfara;chemical constituents;pharmacological activities;security evaluation; 款冬花;化學成分;藥理作用;安全評價;
- Tussilago farfara L 款冬花
- Tussilago farfara 款冬
- Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation of Tussilago farfara. L. 款冬組織培養與快繁技術的研究。
- Tussilago frarfara L. [醫] 款冬
- Tussilago L. [醫] 款冬屬
- From the viewpoint of the external morphology, Nannoglottis has no affinity with Tussilago and Senecio of the Senecioneae and Carpesium of the Inulae, but seems to be related to the Astereae. 外部形態上,毛冠菊屬與千里光族內的千里光屬與款冬屬等類群沒有親緣關係,而與紫菀族存在一定的淵源;
- rhizomatous herb with purple-red flowers suitable for groundcover; sometimes placed in genus Tussilago 長有紫紅色花的適於作地被的根莖草本植物;有時歸為款冬屬