- With creative mind and skillful hands, you can turn corruption into magic. With creative mind and good will, you can turn bad causes and condi-tions into good ones. 巧心慧手,可以化腐朽為神奇善心美意,可以轉惡因成好緣。
- Turn bad news into good. 將壞消息變成好消息。
- The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others. 一些人的厄運正是另一些人的好運。
- The needle will turn all the bad wordsh they shay into good wordsh. 這些針會把他們說的壞話變成好話。」
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是惡運的來源。
- Bad things sometimes can be turned into good ones. 壞事有時可變好事。
- You are at risk of suffering a monetary setback. Try hard to keep your expenses down. Bad luck can be turned into good fortune. 有破財之災,盡量減少開支就能逢凶化吉。
- His misdeeds brought him bad fortune. 他不當的行為造成他悲慘的命運。
- A good heart conquer ill fortune. 仁能克暴。
- They had the bad fortune to trust the cheat. 他們真不走運相信了那個騙子。
- In good fortune, prudence in ill fortune, patience. 交好運時要謹慎,交惡運時要忍耐。
- However,as long as Asian countries draw lessons from it,bad things may turn into good ones,and it won't take long to invigorate their economies. 但只要亞洲國家吸取教訓,壞事可以變成好事,其實現經濟振興不需很長時間。
- Even bad fortune has its change. 厄運也有好轉時。
- A good heart conquers ill fortune. 善心克厄運。
- But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there. 然而,許多美好也會變壞。
- I want to get into good shape for the exam. 我要保持良好的身體以備考試。
- Even bad fortune has its changes. 厄運也有好轉時。
- Milk is liable to turn bad in summer. 夏天,牛奶容易變質。
- He has sunk half his fortune into a new business undertaking. 他已把一半財產投資於一個新企業。
- Even bad fortune have its change. 厄運也有好轉時。