- Patients will lose faith in the doctor who conceals the true condition. 醫生隱瞞病情,患者回失去對他的信任。
- He resented its implicit accusation of heartlessness and ignorance of the true condition of his country. 演說含蓄地指責他冷酷無情並對國家實際情況缺乏了解,這使他相當惱怒。
- He gave her a grateful, furtive look, and went back to his guest; an impulse had made him hide from her the true condition of affairs. 他向她悄悄地投入感激的一瞥,回到了他的客人跟前去;一種衝動使他把真實的情況瞞住了她。
- For the bumboat woman life is suspended in the course of her business leaving only 『a certain blueness of the lips』 to betray her true condition. 對於這個舟式女人的生命來說,生命已經停止了,僅存的「藍色的嘴唇」暴露出她真實的生命狀態。
- Press place alluded a few days ago 51 with China do it 100 million yuan of between big collaboration, be not true condition. 日前新聞報道所提及的51與華為之間之間的億元大合作,並非真實情況。
- The greatest risk is that appropriate stimulus will be derailed by doubters who still do not appreciate the true condition of our economy. 我們現在所面臨的最大風險,就是:有一些人,還沒有意識到經濟的真實形勢。這些持懷疑態度的人,會把適當的刺激方案,推到歪路上去。
- "Vista " 19 days go up formally in England line, 25 cities can see the England that includes London inside street edge true condition. 「街景」19日正式在英國上線,包括倫敦在內的英國25個城市都能看到街邊實景。
- Don't be angry over such trivial matters. 別為這些瑣事生氣。
- Today's online communication should be confabulate, perhaps say to talk attentively, tell everybody true condition namely, listen attentively to the sound with true masses. 今天的在線交流應該是一次談心,或者說用心談話,就是把真實情況告訴大家,傾聽群眾真實的聲音。」
- It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. 區區小事不值得爭吵。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要進入名牌大學學習的夢想實現了。
- Something small, trivial, or inconsequential. 瑣事小的、輕的或不重要的事
- Don't waste your time on these trivial things. 不要把你的時間浪費在這些瑣事上。
- She often makes much of trivial matters. 她常常小題大作。
- Even trivial things can set Arthur and his wife at loggerheads. 即使是雞毛蒜皮的小事也能使阿瑟和他妻子吵起來。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 這本小說原先是從一個真實的愛情故事發展而來的。
- Empty, foolish, or trivial talk; idle chatter. 閑聊空洞、愚蠢或瑣碎的談話; 閑聊
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他總有一天會現出原形的。
- True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有遠見卓識的人往往招致同時代人的誤解。
- I object to being jumped upon for trivial matter like this. 我討厭因這種小事而受人責備。