- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建築物上落下的一塊石頭砸著了。
- The pillars hold up the masonry. 柱子支持著石頭房屋。
- I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry. 我被掉下來的一塊建築用石塊砸傷。
- The masonry of the old building began to crumble. 舊樓房的磚石結構開始崩落。
- A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 一個見習技術員被建築物上落下的一塊石頭砸著了。
- Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall. 基礎材料用於支撐結構的材料或磚石建築,例如牆
- And broils root out the work of masonry. 火也會把巨廈連根兒燒光。
- A square board with a handle used for holding and carrying masonry mortar. 砂漿托板一種用來托起和盛放石造物漿泥的有柄四方板
- To build of or strengthen with masonry. 用磚石砌造成或加固
- Shattered glass and toppling masonry. 玻璃碎成碴兒,磚石建築坍塌下來。
- She was injured by falling masonry. 她被倒塌的石牆砸傷了。
- A structural material, such as masonry or timber. 建材結構材料,如石料或木料
- Come see the north wind's masonry. 快來欣賞北風的石匠手藝。
- All human towers are now unaffected by masonry. 塔現在不能隨著升級石工術來增加胡甲了。
- Trapezoidal no volume! It is a planar graph! ! ! 梯形沒有體積!它是一個平面圖形!!!
- The fall of masonry crushed the old man in the old house. 爐牆倒坍將那老人壓倒在舊房屋裡。
- Beijing』s wonton skin Why is trapezoid? 北京的餛飩皮為何是梯形的?
- A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding. 雙梯形的試樣將產生切變脫膠現象。
- A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides. 梯形是具有兩平行邊的四邊形。
- A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry. 鑽頭,鑽石器,鑽孔器用於在岩石或磚石上鑽孔的針形鑽