- An instrument for gauging and adjusting machine parts; a trammel. 量規; 卡尺一種有來測量並調節機器部件的儀器; 橢圓規
- No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish. 他不當董事長就不受職務約束了,想說什麼就說什麼。
- To adjust or align(mechanical parts)with a trammel. 用量規調整或校正(機械部件)
- I'll make trammel net by the silk line of emotion. 願用縷縷情絲編織成網,
- An instrument for gaugingand adjusting machine parts; a trammel. 量規;卡尺一種有來測量並調節機器部件的儀器;橢圓規。
- To adjust or align(mechanical parts) with a trammel. 用量規調整或校正(機械部件)
- An instrument for gauging and adjusting machine parts;a trammel. 量規;卡尺一種有來測量並調節機器部件的儀器;橢圓規
- No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman,he can say what he wish. 他不當董事長就不受職務約束了,想說什麼就說什麼。
- In art,YuJi's prose have many traits,such as unassuming,be good at arguing and not trammel in standard but be good at using deft and so on. 在藝術方面,虞集散文具有平易澹泊、長於說理、不拘於法度而機用自熟等特色。
- If divided by production model, the single drift gill net is most, the drift trammel net is second, the twice net is third, occupying 65.0%, 25.0% and 10.0% respectively. 按作業型式劃分,單片式流刺網的漁具數量最多、三重流刺網次之、雙重流刺網最少,分別佔65.0%25、25.0%25和10.0%25。
- The delicious air hovering over the zigzagging paths of the garden makes it impossible for you to light a cigarette in case it will trammel the harmony of human and nature. 園內小徑婉轉,空氣甚是不錯,甚至不忍心起火點煙,唯恐破壞了人與天然的和諧。
- Now they are free to plough and sow without pre-Deng-period leftist trammel 現在農民可以自由耕種土地,再沒有小平時期以前的各種左傾桎梏。
- trammel net A fishing net made up of a 80 m fine-meshed net between two 80 m large-meshed nets; 三層刺網一張釣魚的網由80公尺組成了在二80公尺之間的細網目的網大的-以網捕捉網;
- finally, he will require you to go find seven people scattered through out britannia, both in felucca and in trammel. 最後,他會要你去找7個人分散的人,既有非盧卡大陸也有崔梅爾大陸的。
- 2. No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish. 他不當董事長就不受職務約束了,想說什麼就說什麼。
- If it were done when'tis done,then'twere well It were done quickly:if the assassination Could trammel up the consequence,and catch With his surcease success; 麥克白 如果這事幹完了,就算了結了,那就快點兒干吧。如果暗殺能夠獲取正果,又能消除其後果的話;
- trammel netn. 魚網;鳥網
- elliptic trammel 橢圓規
- a trammel. 卡尺一種有來測量並調節機器部件的儀器;