- Responsible for checking maintenance procedure of stated equipment, provide standards and assurance. 負責審核靜設備的維護流程,提供標準和保障。
- By default, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service maintenance procedure deletes the folders after eight days. 八天後默認,MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服務維護過程刪除文件夾。
- Ensure the plant water treatment system running and maintenance procedure should follow cGMP and Baxter group's regulation. 確保工廠水處理系統運行及維護程序按照中國GMP法規及百特內部的要求進行。
- The next Exchange database maintenance procedure is scheduled to finish at 06:00, so the message is not hard deleted, meaning the record is not removed for 71 hours. 下一個Exchange資料庫維護過程按計劃將在06:00完成,因此不會硬刪除該郵件,這意味著在71小時內不會刪除此記錄。
- Understand maintenance procedure of compressor, pump, blower, turbine, tower and heat exchanger etc, and prepare lifting plan accordingly and direct big scale equipment. 了解壓縮機、泵、風機、汽輪機、塔、換熱器檢維修工作程序,根據檢修要求制訂起重吊裝方案並能夠指揮吊裝大型設備。
- This separation allows simultaneous user operations and maintenance procedures. 柵欄使得用戶操作和維護過程可以同時進行。
- Formulate and implement maintenance procedure, supervise the cost and efficiency, optimize the resources, arrange the charges, actualizes the timeliness, reliability and safety standards. 制定和執行維修和維護程序,監督成本和效率,優化資源,安排費用,實現時效性、可靠性和安全標準。
- The Restore button is used to restore a DS1 as part of maintenance procedures or after a fault condition has been corrected. Restore 按鈕是用來恢復 DS1 的,這一操作可以作為維護過程的一部分或是在修復故障之後進行。
- Internals easily removed for field replacement under normal inspections and maintenance procedures. 內部構件容易拆卸,適用於常規檢測和維護程序下進行現場更換。
- In coordination with related specifications, policies and procedures to set up operation and maintenance procedures. 按照相關的規範,政策及程序制定設備的操作及維護程序。
- Robbins, M., "Innovative Maintenance Procedures for Transit Buses," TCRP Report, 1996. "創新的公車營運維護程序",《交通運輸合作研究專案報告》,1996。
- Maintenance:- Ensure equipment availability is at a maximum by good application of maintenance procedures and skilful setting. 維護:保證設備的實用性,是在一個好的維護程序的應用軟體和巧妙的安裝。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列車上所有的椅套都被蓄意破壞者撕破了。
- Operationally, in strict accordance with the implementation of maintenance procedures and operating procedures to ensure the maintenance of quality. 在作業方面,嚴格按維修程序及操作規程執行,確保維修質量。
- The train is attacked by guerilla. 火車受到游擊隊的襲擊。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火車窗外吐口水。
- Mary would rather travel by train than by plane. 瑪麗寧可乘火車而不願乘飛機旅行。
- Check of the complete maintenance procedure 二級維護過程檢驗
- I haven't got a clue about the train schedule. 我一點都不知道這個列車時刻表。
- The children are playing with a toy train. 孩子們正在玩一列玩具火車。