an American who favored the British side during the American Revolution
a member of political party in Great Britain that has been known as the Conservative Party since 1832; was the opposition party to the Whigs
a supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative
At the last general election only the Tories and Labour contested the seat, but the Alliance Party has also entered a candidate for the forthcoming by-election, making it a three-cornered fight. 在上次的大選中,只有保守黨和工黨爭奪席位,但同盟黨也參加了即將來到的補缺選舉候選人,形成了三方競爭的局面。
The socialist gained six seat on the council at the expense of the tories. 社會主義黨的6個委員會的席位是在損害保守黨的情況下贏得的。
The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in1983. 年選民選舉保守黨執政,其票數超過了上屆的多數票。