- The top secret file was marked For the President's eyes only'. 在絕密檔案上標有`只供總統親閱'字樣。
- He was finally cleared for top secret information. 最後他終於獲准接觸絕密情報。
- It's a top secret,so keep it under your hat. 這是絕頂秘密,所以你自個兒知道就行了。
- It's a top secret,so keep under your hat. 這是絕頂秘密的,所以你自個兒知道就行了。
- This information has been classified top secret. 這一情報被歸為絕密類別。
- It's top secret between the two of us. 它是我們兩人之間的最高機密。
- What he said revealed a top secret. 他說的話透露了一個高度機密。
- They had had one secret meeting, with elaborate precautions. 他們已秘密地接過頭,事先曾採取了周密的防範措施。
- It's a top secret, so keep it under your hat. 這是絕頂秘密的,所以你自個兒知道就行了。
- I will pledge myself to a top secret. 我發誓保守這一絕密。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongues. 他們秘密相會,使村民們議論紛紛。
- No, it is top secret, Aman, come to join us la. 嚇!光脫脫去參加都得吖!...一出門口就比人拉喇!
- The spy was tipped off that the secret meeting would be held in London. 間諜得到情報說這個秘密會議將在倫敦舉行。
- The police succeeded in flushing the criminal from their secret meeting place. 警察成功地把這名罪犯從秘密據點趕出來。
- This message was released in a secret meeting, so few people knew of it. 這個消息是在一次密會上宣布的,知道的人很少。
- In the United States,one's income is the top secret. 在美國,一個人的收入是高級機密。
- Mr. Allen betrayed a top secret, and had to face the music. 艾倫先生泄露一項最高機密,因而必須接受責罰。
- He's on a top secret mission.It concerns young Skywalker. 他在執行一個絕密任務。是關於年輕的天行者的。
- In the United States, one's income is the top secret. 在美國,一個人的收入是高級機密。
- The top secret file was marked "for the manager's eyes only". 在極機密檔案上標示有「只供經理親閱」的字樣。