- The duke plotted to supplant the king. 公爵陰謀取代國王的地位。
- He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king. 他因陰謀篡奪皇位而被絞死。
- The general plotted to supplant the king with the help of the army. 將軍陰謀藉助陸軍勢力篡奪王位。
- There is also talk of creating regional institutions to supplant the IMF. 人們還在商討創建一些可對IMF起補充作用的地區性機構。
- Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference. 甚至各種取代「智商」的嘗試也都以它作為參照。
- The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible. 亞洲大陸將在不久的將來取代美國、歐洲和日本的觀點是很可笑的。
- There was rising the new and at first persecuted sect of Christians destined soon to supplant the old faiths. 新的東西浮現,首先是基督教派迫害很快代替了古老的信仰。
- The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals(James Harvey Robinson. 蒸汽機開始取代人和動物的勞動(詹姆士 哈維 羅賓遜)。
- Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one? 中國威權式的資本主義模式能夠取代西方民主式的資本主義模式嗎?
- In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power. 在多風的拉羅拉多,智能電網可能更把焦點放在利用風能發電代替熱電。
- The test is not intended to supplant other laboratory parameters such as biochemical and serological tests. 該檢測並不會取代其他實驗室參數,如生化和血清檢測。
- It was his ambition to supplant Don Corleone as the most powerful and respected Mafia leader in the country and to take over part of the Corleone empire. 他的野心就是要取代考利昂老頭子,使自己成為全國最強大最受敬仰的地下黑幫領袖,同時還要并吞考利昂帝國的一部分。
- It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards,conspirators,churls,and fanatics manage to supplant him. 譯文:如果哪天科學無賴,陰謀家,吝嗇鬼和狂熱分子取而代之,人類將面臨暗無天日的世界。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- Ken Haas, vice president of marketing, says the test is not intended to supplant DNA testing, the recognized gold standard in human identification. 負責市場營銷的副總裁金 哈斯說,該試驗並不打算取代 DNA 測試這種在人類鑒別領域公認的金標準。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
- I would also make the case that, by the time he has finished his career, it will be tough for anybody to supplant him, maybe for generations to come. 我還認為,在他結束職業生涯之際,別人也很難取代他的地位,哦也許後幾代人都很難超越他。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健體強身的最好方法。