- to sepulchre one's parent 埋葬父親(或母親)
- Then He knocks the tradition of neglecting one』s parent』s financial needs by designating their rightful portion 「corban」 (a gift devoted to God). 祂特別抨擊人所訂的公義程式,也就是潔與不潔的問題。法利賽人看不慣耶穌的門徒在吃飯前不先洗手。
- Gracie, do u know why that boy『s parent did not open the door? 原因就是這是他們丫特色絕招,犯蔫兒,看情況不出來躲著!
- To dishonor and curse one』s parents was equal to blasphemy. 不孝順父母和咒詛父母就等於是褻瀆上帝。
- Ylang』s parents did not like Edo. 依蘭的父母不喜歡埃都。
- Frank Appel, the boss of Deutsche Post World Net, DHL's parent, is confident that a deal with UPS can be reached before 2009. 敦豪快遞的母公司德意志郵政世界網的老闆FrankAppel對於與聯邦聯合快遞的合同在2009年達到是非常有信心的。
- The scene shifted to a sepulchre. 鏡頭轉換到一座墳墓。
- This property can be used to reveal the distance to a Cepheid』s parent galaxy, because the star』s period reveals its intrinsic brightness. 這一特性可以用來測算出一造父變星與其源星系之間的距離,因為變星的周期能顯示出其內在亮度。
- Changes California Constitution to prohibit abortion for unemancipated minor until 48 hours after physician notifies minor』s parent or legal guardian. 變化加州憲法,禁止墮胎的未成年人,直至解除48小時后醫生通知未成年人的父母或法定監護人。
- This relationship of respect towards one' s parents extends to one' s attitude towards superiors and rulers. 這種對父母的尊敬關係推廣到長輩和上級那裡。
- Neither did Jiayong Chen of China's state-owned ZTE Corporation, the vice chairman of the Q6/17's parent group who suggested in an April 2007 meeting that it address IP traceback. Q6/17集團副主席,中國國有企業中興公司的陳家勇也不接受採訪。此人暗示早在2007年4月就有會議討論ip追蹤問題了。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- be silent with 因…保持沉默
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不準不按次序買票。
- Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy' s parents' wishes last week. 愛倫和羅茜違抗羅茜父母的願望上星期私奔了。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不應限制在任何特定的年齡組上。
- Mary' s parents refused their consent to her marriage. 瑪麗的父母不同意她的婚事。
- to sepulchre the battlefield for the enemies 把戰場變成敵人的墳墓
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。