- Failed to retrieve one of the naming contexts. 檢索名稱上下文中的一個失敗。
- The operation to retrieve one row or one block of rows from a cursor is called a fetch. 從游標中檢索一行或一部分行的操作稱為提取。
- The customer agreed to get the $400 model, and the rep went to retrieve one from the back. 顧客同意購買這款400美圓的機型,銷售人員從後房去取一個出來。
- I ran back to retrieve the bag I had left in the train. 我跑回去找回忘在火車上的包。
- I should like to retrieve my umbrella which I left in the car. 我想取回我留在車上忘記帶走的雨傘。
- Retriever One that retrieves, especially any one of several breeds of dog that were developed and trained to retrieve game. 叼回獵物的獵犬:找到並帶回獵物的狗,尤指幾種經過培養和訓練、用於尋回獵物的狗之一。
- The company is fighting to retrieve its market share. 這個公司正在為恢復其市場份額(佔有率)而奮鬥。
- The good news elevated everyone 's spirits. 這個好消息鼓舞了每個人的情緒。
- He was determined to retrieve his honor. 他決心恢複名譽。
- She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life. 她極力設法恢復她的奢華生活。
- Henry do his best to retrieve the situation. 亨利儘力挽回局勢。
- To retrieve killed game. Used of a hunting dog. 利用獵狗找到並帶回銜回被打死的獵物。用作對獵犬的命令
- I've only a great desire to retrieve the situation. 我只是衷心希望挽回這個局面。
- I intend to retrieve all karma that is my own. 我意願重新要回我自己所有的業力。
- The team' s spirit sank to zero after its third defeat. 第三次失敗后球隊士氣降至最低點。
- Send a detachment down to retrieve them. 派人去取回。
- Some teachers may say this is not Kong, Ah Q's spirit? 可能有的老師講這不是孔乙己、阿Q的精神嗎?
- My father will know how to retrieve it. 我父親知道如何取出
- What excites me is that God s Spirit, who is also the head and the life of the church, is the one who continuously exercises this authority. 令我感到興奮的原來是主的靈----祂是教會的元首,是教會的生命,是祂掌管著教會不斷發展的主權。
- She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor. 她彎腰從地上撿起她的梳子。