- He tried to provoke them into fighting. 他企圖挑撥他們打架。
- Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism. 這種有問題的主張肯定會招致非議。
- It would be enough to provoke a saint. 那會觸怒聖人。
- Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition. 這種有傾向性的說法可能招致強烈的反對。
- The article was intended to provoke discussion. 這篇文章旨在引發討論。
- Her behavior was enough to provoke an angel. 她的行為足以讓天使發怒。
- She said it deliberately to provoke me. 她故意說這件事向我挑.
- I said [did] nothing to provoke him. 我可沒惹他呀!
- The North may try to provoke a naval skirmish. 朝鮮可能會挑起小規模的海上爭端。
- She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest. 她常常挑撥達西使他厭惡她的客人。
- Grandhi does not wish to provoke them any more than necessary. 甘地不到萬不得已時是不想冒犯他們的。
- The case continues to provoke intense feelings in Cleveland. 這個案子繼續在克利夫蘭激起人們的強烈情緒。
- They sought to provoke a general conflict in the area. 他們企圖在這個地區挑起普遍衝突。
- As part of their tactics, the opposition will try to provoke us. 反對派的策略之一就是要激怒我們。
- This situation helped to provoke a furthter incident. 這種情況也促成了另外一個事件。
- This situation helped to provoke a further incident. 這種情況也促成了另外一個事件。
- The students tried to provoke the teacher into losing her temper. 學生們試圖惹老師發脾氣。
- But any deal is likely to provoke outcries from privacy activists. 但任何協議都可能挑起的吶喊,從隱私活動家。
- Fool!You know they are not to be trifled dare you to provoke them! 你明知道他們不好惹你還敢 性感裸體女小遊戲 去招惹他們!
- Feint to provoke his counter early - target and stop. 裝作早激怒他的櫃檯 - 目標而且停止。