- He seemed to incline to leanness. 他好像偏瘦一點。
- More and more countries in Europe are beginning to incline towards some form of socialism. 在歐洲,越來越多的國家傾向於某種形式的社會主義。
- I had to incline towards the lady to hear what she was whispering. 我得向這位女士探過身子去聽清她在低聲說什麼。
- Investment continues to incline to basic industries and infrastructure field. 投資繼續向基礎產業和基礎設施領域傾斜。
- If you want to go out through this hole, you have to incline your body. 要想從這個洞口過去只能側棱著身子。
- I still believe they incline to that way. 我仍然相信他們傾向於那種方式。
- To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration. 鞠躬,點頭在問候、滿意、謙恭、感謝、屈服或崇拜時屈身低頭或屈膝
- To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting,consent,courtesy,acknowledgment,submission,or veneration. 鞠躬,點頭在問候、滿意、謙恭、感謝、屈服或崇拜時屈身低頭或屈膝
- I incline to believe in his innocence. 我傾向相信他沒有罪。
- The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment. 汽車側傾、滑滾並撞到了橋台上。
- Mrs. Van der luyden's attitude was neither yes nor no, but always appeared to incline to clemency. 范路易夫人的態度是不置可否,但是不管什麼時候總顯得樂於以寬大慈悲為懷。
- His speeches seemed to incline to revolutionary policies, flirting, with Communists and Fascists. 他的演講卻似乎傾向革命改策,既向共產黨又向法西斯暗送秋波。
- The top-hung brace bar is used to pull the window sash to incline inside to realize air flow. 上懸斜拉杆,拉緊窗扇內傾,實現通風換氣。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- Then slowly the Nazarite youth began to incline to the indulgent lifestyle of the neighboring Philistines. 但漸漸地,這個拿細耳青年開始向周圍非利士人放縱的生活方式屈服了。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- He had also lost his turban in the struggle.These disadvantages seemed to incline the Moslem to a truce. 這些損失似乎使這個穆斯林傾向於停戰了。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健體強身的最好方法。